
I Bought Diapers. ::: melt-down mentioned :::

I know, I know....buying diapers shouldn't be a big deal.  But I'm kinda freaking out.
 I am excited to get ready for a baby to come into our theory.
But standing in the checkout line with two boxed of diapers I was convinced that brining diapers in my house would jinx the possibility of a baby ever coming home to us.

I know it's ridiculous.  But I can't help feeling it. 
I want to get things ready and be prepared.  But I can't help thinking that if I have a crib, and diapers, if I'm READY...then we will never get a baby.
Like somehow if I'm unprepared our baby will surprise us, but if I'm ready I'll have jinxed the whole thing.

It's stupid and I know it.
But I'm kind of afraid of the diapers.

:::: bashes head on desk ::::
Someone pass the chocolate and pray I make sense soon.

Re: I Bought Diapers. ::: melt-down mentioned :::

  • Sending hugs and chocolate your way. You didn't jinx anything.


    image 3 IUI's all BFN

    IVF#1 BFN IVF#2 BFP, loss at 19 weeks FET#1 BFN IVF#3 BFP, m/c FET#2 BFN

    Missing our twins Zachary and Madison, lost at 19 weeks on 11/13/09, edd 4/9/10

    BFP 7/17/10, m/c 7/25/10, edd 3/25/11

    Ectopic, lost left tube 4/20/11, edd 12/6/11

    my blog

  • If it makes you feel any better, no matter how prepared you are you aren't prepared :)  It's still a complete 180 no matter how many diapers you buy.  No jinxes for you!!
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  • I feel the exact same way!!!I I'm so gald I'm not the only one. We've bought things too. And sometimes I feel like that's the reason we're not getting matched yet, because we're prepared. I know it's silly. But I totally understand what you mean.

    After 2years TTC and 1yr,2mo waiting for an adoption match, our blessing is here!

    "You may not have my eyes or smile, but from that very first moment you had my heart"Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    Surprise BFP made our family complete!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I did the same thing so you aren't alone. I had the pack and play at work just sitting in a corner but I refused to open it and set it up (and this was when we were matched and baby was due within two weeks). I thought that if I started to get my office ready than birthmom was going to change her mind. Completely irrational but it happens. It's part of the emotions of adoption I think. And I'll send over all my hubbys chocolate (I can't stand it)!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • You won't jinx it. We had a small stash of cloth diapers, a small stash of GN clothes, and our Big 4 of baby gear (crib, stroller, car seat, and PnP), and we still adopted successfully ;)

    Have fun!

  • How exciting!!  It will happen.  Who knows when.. that's the hard part but it will happen! 

    Enjoy and stock up! 

    Once the baby is gets here, if you are like me, shopping won't be fun.  It's a chore (ebay and and amazon are my best friends!) SO enjoy shopping and stocking up sans baby!  You'll appreciate it later.
    image Best friends and sisters... 24 months and 16 months
  • I went round and round about this before I started getting ready. I finally rationalize to myself that by getting everything ahead of time meant I was not associating any of my baby stuff with a specific child in case a match falls though.

    In regards to jinxing it, maybe now would be a good time to read The Secret. I am not so sure I "buy" into it, but it helps me rationalize buying baby stuff right now! Basically the secret is the law of attraction. By focusing on what you want you draw it into your life... so by having diapers ready you are drawing someone to your house that will need them.

    I have my nursery ready, my CD stash prepaired, and GN clothes in the closet. If nothing else all the planning is helping me take my mind off the time waiting. I feel like I am doing something other than sitting around waiting for someone to pick me.

    Beginning Adoption Process July 2010 Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I'm glad to hear a couple of you feel this same way.  I almost can't stand to look at the boxes of diapers we have.  I used to just be storing stuff in our guest bedroom that will be the nursery, but then I started not being able to look at them so everything is safely hidden away now. 

    After bringing home the baby from our failed adoption with basically no notice, we are well aware that our house and lives can be ready in less than 24 hours and I refuse to let myself buy anything else! 

    TTC #1 since 12/07 SA 9/08=borderline normal HSG 1/09 found R tube blocked Multiple IUIs both with oral and injectible drugs from 2/09-2/11 Started domestic adoption process in 5/10, homestudy complete 9/10 Failed adoption after home with baby for 2 weeks 11/10 Blessed through the miracle of private adoption with a son, born 6/6/11 (his grandma's bday) 7lbs 9oz 20.5 inches long! So worth the wait!
  • you make total sense.  i have been matched and bought some necessities today and getting ready for that out of town placement that's planned to take place in about a month.  i was having my moments of emotion as i was in the baby section gathering all the items.  i was telling myself that all goes smoothly.

    After 7 years of marriage and 5 unsuccessful IVFs, we have been granted the gift of adopting a baby boy, born 4/21/11.
  • Lots of love you to swank-y!  <3

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  • I'm so type A that we had our whole nursery set up even before we were matched.  Diapers, bottles, some clothes, wipes etc. we had all of it.  I don't believe we jinxed it :-)  Don't worry!!!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I didn't buy anything until we had our referral (IA) and wasn't totally ready when DS came home--there was a HUGE trip to Target 2 days later.

    And another one when I was no longer hallucinating from sleep deprivation.

  • Thanks for letting me vent ladies.

    It's certainly a whirl-wind of emotion.  I'm really trying to overcome the superstitions and anxieties -  and instead enjoy the process of getting ready.

    I WILL enjoy this.  


    Hopefully the melt-downs over diapers will turn into excitement over all the baby preparations. 

  • Oh girl, you are preaching to the choir with me! I have a stocked nursery. I just need the baby!

    Sending double doses of chocolate your way! 

  • You have to be ready and prepared.  It is a strange feeling getting all the stuff (and hard to keep looking at them without a baby).  Thre is no jinxing it!  Just believe it will happen.  My friend said build and it will come which she did.  She has her baby now. 

    I feel like bashing my head on my desk daily :)  Hahaha

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