I was going through her drawer to find her some shorts to wear this a.m. and tossed a 3T pair aside that were in there . After arguing about why she couldn't wear the capris she wanted she grabbed the shorts and started to put them on. I was about to tell her they're too small and I need to give them away when she shimmied them up her skinny body. She's all legs and has no meat on her anywhere ... she weighs maybe 39 lbs soaking wet. She's such a picky eater and always moving I don't think she'll ever gain any weight.
Re: My 5 yr old can still wear 3T shorts ...
DD is 40 lbs and couldn't rock those. She has a toddler belly still. (I did forever too).
DS1 (3.5) can still wear 18 months!
A is too cute!
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Dd is going to be wearing her 6-12 month shorts again for the third summer. She's 3 y/o.
Just last summer we finally got rid of ds' 2T shorts. They still fit his waist but were starting to look ridiculously short. Girls can get away with shortie shorts, but it wasn't such a good look for ds, lol.
This is exactly what we have to do for our DS. He just turned 6 last week and he just barely fit the extra 2T shorts we had in our minivan. 3T probably would have been a perfect fit. He weighs roughly 39 pounds.