Company is switching over to GH on 4/1...
We are currently with Pediatric Associates at Totem Lake. We have our 18 mo appt coming up next week and then might make a switch. I like the convenience of PA but am not so in love with our doctor that we have to stay. Since his is usually our main healthcare expense, I'd like to at least keep his Doctor in-network. Anyone have a GH, Everett Clinic or VM Pediatrician they love on the Eastside near Redmond/Totem Lake/Bellevue?
I love the Virginia Mason in Kirkland (My H's Dr is there) but can't seem to find a Pediatrician there...only at Sand Point?
Re: Group Health (in-network) Pediatrician?
We went from Ped Assoc. in Totem Lake to Group Health at Northshore (off of Beardslee) and then back to Ped Assoc. in Totem Lake ALL due to insurance changes - nothing to do with the pedi.
We saw Dr. Dunn at Group Health Northshore. We always got in RIGHT AWAY (within 5 minutes of arriving) and we felt that he was very patient with our many questions and always assured us we were doing a good job. The 24 hour nurseline was extremely responsive and friendly (unlike our experience with Ped. Associates - they have taken 3 hours to get back to me) and I love that they have "Urgent Care" in Bellevue (as opposed to the ER).
I have nothing but good things to say about Dr. Dunn - and Jackson loved him too
The only Easter Bunny I can get behind.
Maxwell Joseph 4/09 Lucy Violet 10/12
We currently take DD to Dr. Wendy Haas at the Bellevue GH attached to Overlake. I absolutely love her. She has a very caring, laid-back style, and spends as much time as we need with her at each appointment. I won't have GH ins. after July, and am so sad that we have to find a new Dr.