I'm so torn between this decision. I tried to vbac with #2 but with so many restrictions that were put on me, I ended up with a RCS.
I would love to try a natural delivery for #3 but I feel defeated already since I wasn't able to do so for #2. I feel a little selfish too for wanting this because my csection recoveries have been a breeze.
Anyone else feel this way or in a similar situation?
Re: to vba2c or not...
I think that I will at least try to find a provider who is supportive of VBA2C. I had such an amazing experience with my 2nd c/s so I'm not really sure if I want to try a vaginal birth, but I at least want to be in the care of someone who will give me the option.
We will probably start TTC at the beginning of next year so I have plenty of time to decide what I want to do, but I think about it a lot!
With #1 I had a emergency C due to a failed NST.
With #2 I was trying to vbac but so many restrictions were put on me by my "supportive" OB, such as: must go into labor on my own by 40 weeks, no induction, and no pitocin even if I did go into labor (you get the picture). I was due 5/17 and my OB scheduled me for a 5/18 csection. Well I never went into labor or even dialated by 5/17 so we went ahead with the RCS. If I was more educated on vbacs before I would have switched practices. I've never dialated or had a contraction with #1 so technically I should have been considered a "first time" mom and been allowed to go to at least 41 weeks if not longer.
I'll be going to a local ican meeting next month, I'm thinking that will help me with my decision. And I did read the ACOG, the hard part is finding a doc who will allow a vba2c.
This is not necessarily true. This was not what OP was asking anyway. Not very fair of you to interject "information" the OP doesn't necessarily want right now.
OP: I hope you have luck finding a VBA2C OB! Definitely try your local ICAN group!! Sorry your last OB was putting so many restrictions on you, but I hope this can work out for you.
Trevor Calvin 12.10.07 7:26pm 7lbs2.5oz 19.75in
Emerson Claire 07.07.11 11:34am 7lbs7oz 20.5 in
There are multiple studies showing that Pitocin can be safely used in VBAC moms.
OP, I don't think there's anything selfish about wanting a VBAC. I think you should look around for a doctor/midwife in your area that does VBA2C and talk to them. You don't have to make the decision yet but if you know your options, you will better be able to decide what is right for you.