Georgia Babies

random potty training question

DH and I were discussing this last night.  Do you get potties & toilet trainers seat for each level of your house?  For example, our condo is two levels with a bathroom on each.  I was thinking I would need to get a chair and toilet trainer for each.  Is this what you would do?
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Re: random potty training question

  • we did. potty and/or potty seat for each level
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  • yes, you do not want to run from bathroom to bathroom, you will not have that much time before an accident occurs in the early training stages. 
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  • For the first time ever, I'm happy we only have one bathroom!  I keep trying to talk DH into building an addition, maybe we'll wait until after M is potty trained...
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  • imagemmd7999:
    we did. potty and/or potty seat for each level

    Ditto this.

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  • We only had 1 potty chair.  Actually, we also had a ring but like a moron I put it together wrong (don't ask) so it was completely useless. 

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