Help!? A good friend's little girl just had her tonsils out and is having a really hard time (in the ER right now getting fluids b/c she won't drink)
I want to send something little that would make her excited. Any ideas? I live in testosterone land so I'm clueless as to the likes of little girls (she is in dance, soccer etc... all over the place and VERY particular about fashion!).
Don't want to spend a lot... just something fun. Any ideas? Thank you!
Re: Need ideas for a little get well gift for an almost 6 year old girl...
aww that's rough, happened to DS after he got his out. I'm thinking a gift card to an icecream parlor, honestly.
Bear in a tutu?
What about an activity that she can niece LOVED these little flower things:
I vote for sticky mosaics. My dd is 6 and LOVES doing them...would be good for someone stuck in bed.
They have all different styles but this was my dd's favorite: