Alabama Babies

Christening ?

At what age did you have your baby Christened?

 I am going to have the gown made from my wedding dress, and I don't know what size to have it made in.  I really want to have the Christening while it is still warm outside, but I am afraid he will still be too  young since I am due in July, and if I wait until spring I am afraid he will be to wiggly.


Re: Christening ?

  • I had wanted to do M's before I went back to work from my mat. leave, but the dress I had made (also made with lace remnants from my wedding gown and some antique irish linen from my great-grandmother) was HUGE!  She was almost 7 months when we finally had her baby dedication.  The dress was still enormous, but I didn't want to wait any longer so we had it on my birthday.
  • A's baby dedication was last June on Father's Day...she was 8 months old...we didn't really have a problem with her being wiggly, but I think it was because she was amazed by looking at all the people in the church :) 
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  • We had k baptized at 2.5 months old. The dress was too big on her and she cried the whole time. This time around I think we will wait until 6 months or so. That means it will be in the winter, but oh well.

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  • Mitchell was also 8 months...his bday is July 28 and his baby dedication was near the end of March.  I didn't have a problem with him being too wiggly then.  He was actually a great age then, still liked to be held, but all smiles for everyone.
  • LO was baptized at 2 months. He only cried a bit when the water was being poured. There is no way we could do it at 8 months (now) he is way too wiggly.

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  • I'm a church secretary, and we usually schedule infant baptisms around 6 months... We've had them as little as 2-3 months and as old as a 18 months though! At least at my church, it's more of the parent's prerogative than any kind of 'rule' or something.

    I think the important thing is that you're doing it, no matter how old the baby is :) 

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