Baby Names

Bring on the critique... I can handle it.

You ladies can be honest and ruthless, and that's exactly what I want.

 I'm pregnant with our first baby.  Since I didn't take my H's last name, he's given me full naming rights since baby will have his last name.

Please give me your $0.02!


Audrey Claire

Paige Catherine



Ian Bradley

James Maitland

Jack Bradley



James Alistair - October 2, 2011

Re: Bring on the critique... I can handle it.

  • I like both girl names.  For the boy, I'd pick James. 
    Baby Boy born sleeping at 20 weeks.
  • LOVE Audrey. DH hated it so it didn't make our list.

    Not crazy about the boy names, but I guess if I had to pick, it'd be Ian.

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  • I love Audrey Claire! Paige is just ok, it means servant or helper so that kinda sucks.  I like Jack Bradley best out of your boy's names.

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  • I think they are all good solid choices, although I prefer Jack as a nickname for John rather than a standalone name. 
  • NannaNanna member
    I'd toss out Jack just because it's so freaking popular.  The other two boy names are golden.  I dislike Audrey so Paige Catherine is my default favorite for the girls.
  • I like Audrey Claire and I love the name Catherine but I've never been crazy about Paige. I like Ian Bradley the best out of your boy names. If Maitland isn't a family name or have some kind of significance, I wouldn't use it. Jack Bradley just sounds weird to me.
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  • Audrey Claire is lovely and I prefer Ian Bradley for the boys (I've always liked the name Ian).

    James is a nice, distinguished name for a boy but I know so.many.James' that the name has a very generic, vanilla feel to me. Same with Jack.


  • I like Audrey Claire and Jack. I dont like the Bradley middle name but I love the name Jack, and I have only heard 1 baby with that name and that was about 4 years ago.
  • Those are all good, solid names. I'd go with Audrey or Jack (as a nn, with real name being John.) 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Your girls names are perfection, in my book. I know an Audrey Catherine who is positively lovely. You can't go wrong with any of those combinations! Paige is one of my favs, too.

    Your boys names are great too. My favorite would is Ian Bradley. 

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  • imagejiffy-pop:
    If Maitland isn't a family name or have some kind of significance, I wouldn't use it. Jack Bradley just sounds weird to me.

     Maitland is special to both of us; hence the one oddball name (and why I'm keeping it in the middle.)

    There IS something "weird" (but not in a bad way) to me about Jack Bradley but I can't put my finger on it.  It's like it reminds me of something, but I've googled and there's no Jack Bradley in pop culture or media or anywhere... nothing comes up.  There's something almost oddly familiar about it but I can't put my finger on WHAT... funny you would mention that too...



    James Alistair - October 2, 2011

  • Audrey Claire is very cute and Ian for sure. James is a good choice as well. Jack is over used these days..
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  • I'm an Audrey fan. Although, I do not like Claire followed by a long E sound. I think Eclair. Audrey Paige is nice too. And I like Catherine Paige better than Paige as a FN. Has a better flow.

    Bradley is my maiden name so I always wanted to use it for a boy. I think it is stronger than James or Jack so maybe Bradley James. I like In a lot but not with Bradley as the MN. Ian James or Ian Jack or even Ian Maitland or Bradley Maitland


    They are all nice names but the flow of your combos seems off. 

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  • Audrey Claire and james are my picks.. Paige is cute too ..kind of reminds me of about Aubrey Claire?
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  • Paige & Ian.
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  • I love Paige Catherine. Claire is one of my favorite names, but I don't like Audrey.

    I like James or Jack for boys. 

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  • Paige or Ian.

    Audrey is pretty but becoming very popular (more so than Paige, imo).  James is just kind of a snooze.  Jack is DONE- between the Jacks and the Jacksons and the million made up spellings of Jackson ... ugh. 

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  • imageTUGOsQueen:

    I'm an Audrey fan. Although, I do not like Claire followed by a long E sound. I think Eclair. Audrey Paige is nice too. And I like Catherine Paige better than Paige as a FN. Has a better flow.

    Bradley is my maiden name so I always wanted to use it for a boy. I think it is stronger than James or Jack so maybe Bradley James. I like In a lot but not with Bradley as the MN. Ian James or Ian Jack or even Ian Maitland or Bradley Maitland


    They are all nice names but the flow of your combos seems off. 


    Thanks for this input - very helpful!  I have a tough time with the combos when you add H's last name.  Catherine and Claire don't work as first names with his last name... it's so tough because it's a long, difficult-to-pronounce Scottish name that starts with a "Lee" sound.  Makes it tough. 

    "Bradley James" is my dad's name, so it's funny that you suggested it.  It's a great name, but it's taken in our family.  :) 



    James Alistair - October 2, 2011

  • Paige is on my short I pick it. But Audrey is goregous too.


    I like Jack best out of your boy names.

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    "If you're going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty." - Marilyn Monroe
  • Audrey Claire & James Maitland
  • I think they are all good names. My favorites are Audrey Claire and Ian Bradley
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  • Love both girl names, Paige & Claire are 2 of my favorites, but sound terrible with my last name:( I do think Audrey Claire flows better.

    Of your boy names, I like Ian Bradley the most...I think Ian is a great under-used name. I may a little biased, as it's my DHs mn:)

    Foster to adopt process started 8/2012:)
  • I really like Audrey Catherine and Ian Bradley.
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  • love audrey claire!

    i really like ian, but i don't love it with bradley.  couldl you do ian james?  if not, ian bradley isn't horrible, and you probably won't use the middle name that often anyway :)

  • imageEss-elle:

    You ladies can be honest and ruthless, and that's exactly what I want.

     I'm pregnant with our first baby.  Since I didn't take my H's last name, he's given me full naming rights since baby will have his last name.

    Please give me your $0.02!


    Audrey Claire

    Paige Catherine



    Ian Bradley

    James Maitland

    Jack Bradley


    I love your greyhound...I have a retired racer too....they are the best dogs ever!

     I love Paige Catherine and James Maitland!

    Not trying, not preventing...but secretly hoping :)Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Paige Catherine and Jack Bradley get my vote.  Love the name Paige- Hubby vetoed it.
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  • I love Audrey and Ian. I have yet to meet a Paige that I liked.

  • Love Audrey Claire! And James is a always great choice. I also like Jack...

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  • I like Audrey Catherine and Ian Bradley.
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  • I like both girl names but love Audrey Claire. 

    I don't like the name Ian and Jack is extremely popular, so I'd go with James.

  • Paige and Jack.  Love Jack even though it's used a lot these days.  Yes
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  • I like Audrey more than Paige.  Paige isn't a bad name, it's just really NMS.

    I actually like Catherine Paige better than Paige Catherine. 

    I love all of your boy names, but Ian is my favorite followed closely by James.

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