
Questions for MoM's!

I been thinking of a few things and I was just wondering what you ladies did/ buy...

Did you make 1 or 2 baby books? 

Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags?

Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  

Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2?

I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?"


Thanks Ladies!! 

Re: Questions for MoM's!

  • imagemari2003:

    I been thinking of a few things and I was just wondering what you ladies did/ buy...

    Did you make 1 or 2 baby books? - didn't do any... I know, bad mom

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags? - just one

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?   - one to start with, picked up second for cheap

    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2? - We have two, but really only use one

    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?"  - two cribs, two bouncies, 2 car seats at the very beginning... the rest we played by ear.


    Thanks Ladies!! 

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  • Did you make 1 or 2 baby books? Two.  I have a blog that combines, but I'm careful to keep things like their baby book seperate.

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags? One.  It's a backpack.

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  Two.  I don't know what we'd do without them.  We still use ours every morning.


    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2? Is your DH the type to carry a baby like that?  My DH wouldn't be caught dead with a baby strapped to him, so we only purchased one wrap.  I used it a bunch with my fussy one when he was little.  I had to bust it out recently, but turns out, he was on the edge of crawling and dying to move.  Once he could move on his own, he couldn't care less about me!


    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?" Carseats, boppy, and cribs!

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  • Did you make 1 or 2 baby books?  2 baby books.

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags? 1 diaper bag.

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  1 boppy. They hate it.

    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2? 1 Beco Gemini

    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?"

    We bought 2 bouncies, 2 swings, 1 exersaucer, 1 jumperoo, 1 jolly jumper (hand me down) 2 playmats.

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  • 2 baby books so they will each have their own if they want them when they're older.  Not that they're completely filled out, but they do each have their own.

    If you mean like 1 diaper bag for each baby... no that's completely unnecessary, and would just add more to the already huge list of crap you'll be carrying around anyway.  You can get by with just one diaper bag for both of them (just make sure it's one of the larger ones that will fit everything you need for two babies).  If you mean a diaper bag for you, maybe one for your H if he'll be by himself with them often, or a smaller bag and larger bag kind of combo... sure go for it. 

    We didn't use boppies at all, but if you're going to I would get 2.

    I think we've gone through about 5 different carriers as they've gotten bigger.  I would get 2 to start with.  One for you and one for your H, and if you want, check with the AP board to see if they can help you find two carriers that would allow you to wear them both at the same time as well.


  • imagemari2003:

    I been thinking of a few things and I was just wondering what you ladies did/ buy...

    Did you make 1 or 2 baby books? Havent even gotten to this yet. Ugh.

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags? Just one diaper bag. Thats all we need.

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  2 boppys for sure! We use the boppys constantly. They are awesome for feeding 2 babies at once, tummy time or even just as a seat while changing the others diaper.

    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2? We have two - one for me, one for my husband

    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?"


    Thanks Ladies!! 

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  • imagemari2003:

    I been thinking of a few things and I was just wondering what you ladies did/ buy...

    Did you make 1 or 2 baby books?  haven't gotten one yet :(  

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags?  2, only needed one

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  2, needed both

    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2?  2, only needed one (hubby never around)

    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?"  we didn't get 2 pack n plays or 2 activity mats, but we got 2 of nearly everything else (swings, bouncy seats, cribs)


    Thanks Ladies!! 

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  • Great questions!
  • imagemari2003:

    I been thinking of a few things and I was just wondering what you ladies did/ buy...

    Did you make 1 or 2 baby books? I'm making 2.

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags? One.  It's a big enough to pain just to pack and carry one.

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  I don't use boppys.  I have two My Breast Friend's upstairs that someone gave me, but I've never used them since I EFF.  I really haven't missed them.  I prop the babies up on couch pillows since the MBF's don't work as well for that.

    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2?  We have one carrier right now. I've heard that lots of babies don't like them, so we decided to get one, try it out, then get another later if necessary.  We have a Chicco carrier and haven't used it yet as it is hard to figure out.  The one time we had DS in it his head bounced around and so we had to take him out.  We probably still don't have it together right but it is by far the most complicated thing to put together and use that we've gotten!

    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?" We have one swing.  We started with one bouncy seat, but I bought another at a consignment sale a few weeks ago for dirt cheap.  One PNP probably would have been enough since DD doesn't really care for it. We'd planned on having them sleep in them in our room which has never happened.  We have one tummy time mat/play gym (Baby Einstein Ocean Neptune). 

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  • Did you make 1 or 2 baby books?  Each baby has his/her own book. 

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags?  We have one large diaper bag for them to share and 4 back packs(one for each) for any solo trips

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  We had 2 for the 4 of them and felt it was plenty

    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2?  We never used the two I got for my shower.

    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?"  Only 2 swings, 2 gliders, 1 jumperoo, 1 excersaucer.

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    Did you make 1 or 2 baby books? 2... remember- they are INDIVIDUALS :)

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags? 1

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  2 boppies & 2 bouncers!!

    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2? 1

    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?" swing... thats really all i can think of. Everything else besides clothes, they couldnt share/or needed for tandem. We really got doubles of everything... that's the best way to go:)

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  • imagemari2003:

    I been thinking of a few things and I was just wondering what you ladies did/ buy...

    Did you make 1 or 2 baby books? 

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags?

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  

    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2?

    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?"


    Thanks Ladies!! 

    2 baby books. I did them during CIO when they were abotu 7 months old. Good productive distraction, LOL.  I was the 2nd child & had literally like 2 sentences in my baby book so I really wanted to fill theirs in.

    1 diaper bag (how would you carry 2?)

    2 boppies for sure

    got 2 ergos & only used one b/c MH hated it & has inflexible shoulders & really couldn't even get it on. I feel bad about that, my mom bought them both for us & I think she knows we never used one :(

    Only other  doubles we got were 2 cribs,  2 bouncy seats (2 different ones to mix it up), 2 bumbos (never used either one, they hated them, so that was a mistake), 2 pack n plays (one for our bedroom in the beginning, one for 1st floor for naps & changing station- 2nd one moved downstairs for awhile when they couldnt nap in the bassinet together anymore but were sleeping in cribs at night, now we have one on each floor again as a time out space), 2 space saver high chairs...can't think of what else.


  • imagemari2003:

    I been thinking of a few things and I was just wondering what you ladies did/ buy...

    Did you make 1 or 2 baby books? I haven't done them yet but they will each get their own.

    Did you buy 1 or 2 diaper bags? One large one.  It's a Kate Spade bag I got on clearance from the website and I can't believe it's for one baby it's so huge.

    Did you get 1 or 2 boppy's?  Started with one and ordered a second while we were in the hospital to be waiting for us when we got home (I <3 Amazon!)  I use them every single day for tandem bottle feeding.

    Infant carries (ergo baby) did you get 1 or 2?  We got a Baby Bjorn off our registry and didn't use it until about 2 weeks ago at a Mardi Gras parade.  When we saw both babies tolerated the Bjorn and hated the loaner sling, I went out and bought a cheapo Snugli to have for Mardi Gras day. 

    I guess I should ask "What didn't you guys get doubles of?" The only thing I have a single of, that I can think of, is a playmat.  We did 2 bouncies, 2 swings (although we waited to see if both liked the swing before assembling the second one.  We'll prob do one exersaucer and one jumparoo to mix it up a bit.


    Thanks Ladies!! 

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