Right now, the LOs eat at 8am, 11am, 2pm, and 5pm, with 1 hour naps after the 8am and 11am feedings and a 30-minute nap after the 2pm feeding. However, DD's naps are getting worse, and I suspect she needs to transition to 2 longer naps.
How did you do this? What do you recommend? How do I know when/if they are ready? Should we transition to fewer bottles per day so they can have longer naps?
Additional info: They also have a top-off bottle at 6:30pm and go to bed around 7pm and almost STTN until we wake them (or they wake us) at 5am to eat and then they go back down within 15 minutes until 7am. We like this b/c it lets us exercise and get ready for work without worrying about when the babies will be wake up hungry.
Re: How/When to Transition to 2 Naps
Ours happened kind of naturally - it just became harder and harder to put Harry down for naps.
Are they eating solids yet? We went to 2 naps and 4 bottles right around the time they started solids. I couldn't keep up the 6 bottle schedule AND the solids. They would just flat out refuse to eat.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
We were probably ready around 7 months, but the logistics of daycare are making it very hard. She has several pre-school kids, and they all come home at 3. Ideally, the boys would sleep from 2-4 and be good until bed, but all the noise wakes them up. (It's an in-home without many other room options.)
They take two great naps on the weekends, but I struggle every weeknight trying to force an evening nap. It's a work in progress, clearly.
They're eating solids twice a day (about 3-4 oz at each feeding), but so far, they don't seem to be reducing their formula (30-36 oz/day). I'd love to cut back on the bottles and the naps all at once.
Haven, I responded!