Georgia Babies

Potty Training

So, Abigail is pretty much pee pee potty trained. She still has to wear a pull up at night and at naptime, but more often than not, she wakes up dry. She wears panties all day except at school, or if we're going to be in the car for awhile and don't know if we'll be able to make it to a bathroom. Even when she's in the pullup, she still tells us when she has to go potty and even holds it until we can get her on the potty. BUT...the poopy party hasn't clicked yet. She'll poop in panties still. (Except today, I could tell she need to go, so I sat her on the potty and told her she gets a really big princess prize if she goes poopy in the potty, and she did! YAY!) Anyway, is there something I can do to encourage the poopy part? I don't want to push it too much because of her history, though. Should I just let it go until it finally clicks? By the way, we've been potty training for about 2 months, and she picked up the peepee part very very quickly.
Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Re: Potty Training

  • Poops were the hardest part for Gavin. He pooped in his big boy pants and didn't care and wouldn't even tell us!!!  I bought the book Everyone Poops about a month ago.  I never expected it would work- just thought that maybe it would make him more comfortable with the idea.  But it worked like MAGIC.  So weird.  We made it part of our evening routine which really seemed to help him.  I prepared him all day long that right after dinner we were going to sit on the potty and read that book and when the time came, I read the book to him and then left and let him "read" it and sure enough... he pooped!  And he has continued doing it every night since then.  He even did it for my mom at her house last weekend which really surprised me.  It's worth a shot but if it doesn't work, I wouldn't push it too much.  That will definitely backfire.






  • For it to work with us, I didn't push the poop thing at all.  He's been potty trained for pee pee during the day since beginning of August.  He would poop in his pull up during nap or bed time and either sleep through it or take it off and switch pull ups.  Every so often, I would just tell him that it's ok to poop on the potty and he didn't have anything to be scared about.  A few weeks before his birthday in February, we noticed that he was starting to play us.  He would wait to poop in his pull up until just after we turned out the light at night as a way to stall bedtime.  So...we started putting him on the potty to poop right before he went to sleep.  It worked and he's been pooping in the potty ever since!  So, that's how it worked for us.  I'm not sure what to tell you since I know boys and girls are way different when it comes to potty training and because she has the issues.  Good luck though!  :-)
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  • At first Hailey was terrified of going poopy on the potty and she never would. She would wait until naptime or bedtime and do it in her pullup. I then realized 2 things. First, she was scared of going poopy on the big potty, even though she would pee fine on the big potty. Second, finding the right bribery/reward was key. The first time she went poopy, I could tell that she had to, but wouldn't do it. She kept getting on and off the potty. Finally I sat her down with some books on the little potty and asked her to try to go. She wasn't thrilled, but she tried. Nothing. I then started offering every bribe I could think of. Toys, candy, watch tv etc. Wouldn't you know that she got excited over watching the tv? A few minutes later she did it, we all cheered and made a huge deal out of it, gave her m & m's and let her watch Curious George. For a couple days, we would had a goody bag that she could pick a toy or treat out of if she went poopy. After that, we gave her m&m's or a lollipop only if she pooped and only if she asked. For a short while, she still would not poop on the big potty. After a month or so, she finally got comfortable enough where she would go on the big potty. I know candy isn't the best option, but for us it worked and I viewed it as a means to an end. We first tried the sticker reward chart thing and she could have cared less.  lol. FWIW, we don't have to do any rewards at all now. It's all second nature to her.  Anyway, that's what worked for us. It's so ahrd though. Good luck! 

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