
And you guys think I'm bad

There's a convo on AP going on about stamps and being worried about what the ink is doing to a child. It's never occurred to me to be worried about ink, and I read it and figured it was still not worrying about :)  Maile frequently tattoos herself with crayola markers.

Re: And you guys think I'm bad

  • Crap.  DD is covered in glitter right now from school, probably eating it for lunch.  It is probably made of colored shards of lead in China, I guess I should be freaking out, but instead I am folding laundry and watching Beverly Hills Chihuahua.  Oh the things I should worry about.
  • I'm really not a worrier. I have my "things" and I have anxiety, but I usually tend to just say that I can't worry myself with every little thing in the world. But I do have my "hot button issues." Ink is not one of them. I think it's quite extreme. I have a friend who freaked out when it came out that BPA was in receipts...I figured if my kids don't eat them (they actually probably have), we're cool.
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    looks like i have some pearls to clutch ;)



    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • One of my friends was denouncing the foam play mats that her son fell in love with at a friend's house... too many toxins, doncha know, ala the BPA in plastics.

    I refrained from telling her that my kid tried to eat them. She probably thinks I am trying to kill him.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • Yesterday I was at DH's work in the afternoon w/ DS. One of his CW saw DS chewing on my gold necklace. He goes "oh! you can't let him do that! Metal is the worst, he could get lead poisoning!" Okey, from the 10 seconds of slobber.

    I think it was a nestie on here years ago that said all the plastics in a new car give of gasses for awhile, yet so many new parents have to run out and buy a brand new car the second the child comes home. Probably better off to have your newborn in an older car who's interior have stopped giving off gasses. 

    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • It would just take too much effort for me to be that scared of everything. Not to mention, do you really want to raise a kid that is freaked out by every little thing? I'm all for minimizing the major risks, but geez, that's extreme.
    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • Funny, since I'm home sick I was browsing a bunch of boards and saw that post titled "stamps" or whatever and skipped it.  Bunch o' whackadoos over there ;)
  • I was hoping that was more of the t or d nonsense from the 3-6 board but it looks legit. 

    Even I don't worry about a little ink.

  • My ds2 regularly sucks the ink out of markers until they are dry. And today his morning snack was play-doh.
  • I should post the pic of DD when colored on herself with a sharpie.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • imageCbidt's girl:
    My ds2 regularly sucks the ink out of markers until they are dry. And today his morning snack was play-doh.

    This made me snort.

    Yesterday oldest SS's class dissected owl pellets, and one of his classmates ate some.  I'll bet the kid of the worrier over the stamp ink turns into THAT kid.

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
  • imageJ&A2008:

    imageCbidt's girl:
    My ds2 regularly sucks the ink out of markers until they are dry. And today his morning snack was play-doh.

    This made me snort.

    Yesterday oldest SS's class dissected owl pellets, and one of his classmates ate some.  I'll bet the kid of the worrier over the stamp ink turns into THAT kid.

    always good to give someone a chuckle ;).
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