Cloth Diapering

How do you Stash you Stash?

So in the past month my CD stash has multiplied, and I now need to re-organize her diapers. I want to know how you keep all your diapers in order. Do you use drawers, closets, shelves or containers? Also do you separate the different brands and styles to make it easier on your DH/SO or other caregivers?


TIA for your help and suggestions.



Re: How do you Stash you Stash?

  • We use a hip-level dresser as a changing table, so I just store the diapers in there (clothes are so tiny at that point that they don't fill all 6 drawers). I keep a mix of brands together, but separate out diapers that are stuffed with hemp/extra absorbency vs. just the microfiber stuffed diapers (we use all pockets) so that I know which diapers can last through a nap or shopping trip (DS is a super heavy wetter so microfiber won't hold while we're out for longer stretches).
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  • I have them in baskets/containers on the changing table shelves. I have 5 small/long ones on the top shelf: PUL covers, wool covers, bamboo inserts, hemp inserts, night diapers/flats. 

    Bottom shelf has 3 large containers: 2 are aplix pockets for DH/sitters, and 1 is fitteds (though its exploding by now).  

    Wool longies/footies go in a drawer in her dresser because we don't have room on the changing table. 

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  • I'm not sure how well our system will hold up with use, but we have a changing table with 3 large drawers - the top drawer is NB prefolds, fitteds, and covers, along with my wool items, cloth wipes, and a snappi.  The next drawer just has pockets/AIO for NB size, and space for overflow CD accessories.  The bottom drawer is holding all of her smalls for now, just because I have the space.  I have a dresser on the next wall over that doesn't have much in it (all her clothes is hanging in her closet) - so one drawer has our OS fitteds, covers, and prefolds, and the next drawer has our OS pockets/AIOs.  I'll probably always keep those that need a cover and those that don't in two different drawers on the changing table, no matter what her size.  This way DH will know what goes with what.  I think we'll use fitteds with a hemp doubler at night, but that'll all come once she's a little older and sleeping through the night.
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  • on the first shelf of the changing table are, left to right:

    BG snaps & FB's in one container, fitteds in one container, BG aplix in one container

    bottom shelf is, left to right:

    PUL/fleece covers in the back since we never use them, BG fleece liners in front of that

    basket with homemade fleece liners and small prefolds (used for stuffing)

    basket with hemp doublers

    basket with cloth liners (used as extra wipes or liners when using desitin)

    *I would like to have all pretty matching cloth covered baskets but right now we have a mix of plastic containers and soft containers from IKEA

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  • Great, thank you! Right now I have them in baskets by my dressing table and the baskets and diapers are taking over, and when DH changes K he messes them all up. I will try some of your options!
  • I just bought one of those multi-square things with fabric bins to store ours. Top shelves will be diapers and bottom will be toys lol

    [color=#FF0000]Mom to 5 girls 23,22,18,9,7 and one sweet Wonderboy almost 4[/color]
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  • I have 2 canvas bins on the dresser that doubles as a changing table - one has daddy/daycare dipes, the other has snap pockets. There is a shelf above the dresser that we put up where I stack my fitteds (a few stacks of 4 or 5 - I like the way they look) - a folded pile of soakers, a folded pile of longies/shorties, a small basket that has baby legs... I will need to make a drawer for my longies/shorties since I am quickly increasing my collection :)
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  • I use a dresser. I had a changing table but really wasn't digging it. So, I attached my changing pad to his dresser:


    The small top shelf houses prefolds. I have some GMDs in his size and some preemie prefolds (which are fab! they work for everything).


    The second drawer is where I keep extra inserts, wetbags, extra pail liner, and an extra cover for the changing table.


    The bottom drawer houses his current stash. Right now he has 7 BG AIO size large (with an extra hemp insert), 8 BG 4.0s, and 9 Thirsties Duos size 2.


    On top of the dresser next to the changing pad I keep wipes, creams, lotion, pail freshener (from RnG), and  booty spray.

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