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Hysteroscopy/polypectomy - anyone *not* go under?

I have another fricken polyp or fibroid that has to come out. DAMMNIT !!!! Why on EARTH didn't that come out with my D&C? I'm so irritated. More money, more surgery, MORE MORE MORE!

I could have sworn I've seen gals just get them snipped out with a little help from nice drugs, and not the full "lite anesthesia" the scheduler said I'll have. (I've had this done prior, but I don't recall the diff b/t that and the D&C's I've had)

Anyone awake for this? I'm looking to save time and money. It's a fricken blob. Let's not get all fancy here. lol.


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Re: Hysteroscopy/polypectomy - anyone *not* go under?

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    uugh, Dr. Google says I can have a spinal/epi instead. Well, that does me no good.
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    LadyChicago did, she accidentally drank water and they wouldn't put her under. Page her. :)
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    Why hello there! I did this just last week. I was awake, but had no pain. It was just awkward to be awake for it. :-) my post-op sheet says they gave me zofran, toradol, fentanyl, and lidocane (the RE put that directly on my cervix). I hope that helps! Honestly, it was so easy, I don't know that I would opt to be put under if I had to do it again.
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    I had a hysteroscopy years ago and they did not put me under.  I think they just numbed me up really good.  I was in pain afterward but it wasn't horrific.
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    epphdepphd member

    I had an office hysteroscopy with no anesthesia.  They found a fibroid but left it.  Wasn't big enough to remove.  I do think there are some folks here who've had polypectomies without meds. I think it can be done.

    I hear ya on the "while you're in there" thing. I asked the doc who did my D&E to be on the lookout for fibroids or polyps and to remove them.  I never did get my surgical report - wonder if he did?


    I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
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    that's it. I'm putting a request in for "awake, please."  (thanks LC, that helps a lot, too)  If my D&C was $5K, I've got to imagine that we're about $3K for a removel their way? We pay 20%. Not to be a cheap arse, but if there's really no reason for ANOTHER round of being under (hello? kinda doing this a lot!!!) then I don't want to be.  At some point, I'm not going to wake up! lol. (plus my last round was WICKED waking up. I was slayed for days!)

     I think this doc & hospital are all about "The Patient Experience" and all but give me a foot rub when I'm there. I'm past footrubs, save me some money. lol.


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    We do hysteroscopy on pt's on our office all the time.  No problem, I can't imagine that a polypectomy would significantly change the experience. 

    Our protocol (I had to write it myself) is valium the night before, Ibuprofen starting 24 hours before, another valium or 2 when you get to the office, percocet when you get to the office.  IM Toradol 15minutes prior, and a paracervical block.

    Pt's tolerate it very well.  When we do them in the hospital, anesthesia always wants to put them to sleep, I guess they want their $$ but it's not necessary.

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    I had twilight for my hysteroscopy which included a minor D&C (i.e. not full cleaning out, just removing one piece of placenta that wouldn't budge on its own). As with every other experience I've had with twilight, I was awake/aware and could feel them poking around, but no pain and I was loopy. Definitely remember the procedure though even if it was foggy and I only remember snippets. I have a superhuman resistance to most meds though, I think most people have no recollection of what happens when they're under twilight sedation.
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    Oh no -- that sucks.  To bad *it's* not covered under your all-inclusive. ;)  (ETA: ...though of course I realize it doesn't cover quite a bit. :()

    I'll add that I begged and begged to do it withholding twilight anesthesia last March -- begged everyone who would talk to me.  And I failed.  I remember the doctor walking into the OR, and the next thing I remember was being in recovery.  They did promise me that they would use minimal of the good stuff, but I was hoping not to have any.  No one would oblige.  I even "researched" (Googled ;)) different options, and they were all shot down.

    So good luck.  Really.  No use paying for it if you don't want it, I hear you. :(  And I'm so sorry that you have to do this all again. :(

    Pregnant with #1 with PCOS and LPD, success with mostly naturopathic treatments
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    Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
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    Like Schmoodle, I think I have supernatural abilities to defy drugs.  Or I'm just fat and they don't use enough to make a dent.  Whatever.  I had a hysteroscopy/polypectomy with "twilight" sedation and it was awful. I was fully awake, and could feel everything.  I was not a good patient that day, my doctor was not a good doctor that day, and I was totally emotionally scarred by it. 

    I've had good twilight sedation success in the past, having had 6 colonoscopies (several before that bad experience, several after) and that was the only time sedation really didn't work. 

    If you've had good experiences in the past with this office and setting and feel like you could be more awake then totally ask to do so.  I've never heard of using an OTC protocol for that sort of thing (valium, etc like previous poster mentioned), but it's worth a shot.

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    well, here's my scoop - Dr. Hee is "more than willing to TRY to do it in the office." They have the hysteroscope, (camera)  and although the u/s pik of the fecking dingle shows it pretty well, it could be a fibroid not a polyp. I've had both in the past. Fibroid? He may have to re-do it in the surgical setting anyways.

    The kicker with THAT, is that he's booked silly at the office even LATER than the surgery date (next tues) and so that puts me further out getting it done. (ahhhchooooER/ETfastapproachingIwantthatUtepretty ASAP) And then if I end up needing the surgical setting anyways, it's another week wait. The timing of it won't work. I need to do it tues in the surgical setting.
    HOWEVER, nothing says they have to knock me out. Having ANOTHER session of sleep is what i'm trying to avoid - that will be 3 times in 3 months. I'm a big girl. That's a lot of meds. So I'm going to just tell them to give me some toradol and snip snip.  I think it's redonkulous that we have to get so fancy on this, but I need it done right, and done NOW.   As Dr. Sassy said "Nothing is ever easy for you, huh?"      Meh.    Ava is.  ;-)



    thanks for all the suggestions and help!

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    kegkeg member
    A few weeks ago I thought I needed to have a hysteroscopy and was told that they only do them under general anesthesia.  However, this was a fellow telling me this and I was going to do my best to talk my attending into doing something other than general because I HATE it!  The anesthesia side effects were the worst part about recovering from my lap 3 years ago.  I was going to fight for conscious sedation/twilight or even a spinal/epi because both were so much easier to deal with than general.  Turns out I didn't need the hysteroscopy, but that's another story...
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    A couple weeks ago I had a straight hysteroscopy (no polyp removal, etc) and just had moderate sedation/conscious sedation (I guess what others are referring to as "twilight"?). Had fentanyl/versed and cervical block. It was fine. I don't see why you should have to have general for that! That's a lot to undergo for such a short procedure! GL!
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