Infertility Veterans

DH and I not doing so well

My H and I have been going through some personal issues for a while now and unfortunately it seems like things are getting worse and not better. Maybe it's a good thing I'm on a break this month...I may be on a break indefinitely here for a while to see if we can get back to a good place, I definitely don't want to go forward in TTC until we're there. I hope you ladies don't mind if I continue to lurk and post while we're on hiatus.

TTC 12/2009
Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
E & C Born 10/19/2012
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: DH and I not doing so well

  • Just wanted to offer some hugs and hope that you and your DH are able to work thru everything.

    Please continue to lurk and post. We are always here for you - break or no break.


    TTC #2 since June '08

    ~*DD 10.21.07*~

    dx unexplained

    IUI #1-4 BFN

    IVF#1 June 2011 BFN

    IVF#2 Dec 2011

    Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634

    EDD 8/25


  • I'm sorry hun.

    I hope you are able to get back to a good place very soon.


    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

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  • (((hugs))) I'm sorry...I've gone through some rough patches with my DH as well. I can tell you it did get better for us.

    I'm on a bit of a break too but I'm still here every day Wink I figure I can at least give some support.....

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  • I am sorry you and your DH are having a rough time.  I hope you can get back to a good place very soon.  Please stay and post and lurk, we are always here for you!  (((HUGS)))
    SAIF and PAIF Always Welcome
    07/14/97 - Stillborn twins at 22 weeks
    12/20/99 - Miscarriage #1 - 11 wks 4 days laproscopic surgery due to rupture of tube
    07/01/01 - Divorced
    05/30/09 - Re-married to a wonderful man!
    11/11/09 - Miscarriage #2 - 10 wks 3 days, D&C
    Dx: Unexplained
    07/30/10 - 10/19/10 - IUI #1 - IUI #4 clomid cd2-6 + premarin cd7-13 + HCG Trigger=BFFN's
    11/10/10 - IVF #1 Start stims ER#1 11/22, ER #2 11/24, ET 11/29=BFFN
    03/14/11 - IVF #2 start stims, ER-03/26/11, ET-03/31/11, beta 04/08/11 = BFFN
    05/16/11 - Hail Mary Cycle - Inj+TI =BFP!! 06/08/11 Beta #1 71.8, 06/10/11 Beta #2 201, U/S 6/20-1 sac. U/S 6/28 sac and hb of 118!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Sweetie-you do whatever you need to do for yourself and your DH. We love you and please take care. Come back whenever/if ever you like. (((hugs)))

    SAIF/PAIF Always Welcome!
    TTC #1 May 2008
    6 Rounds Clomid, 1 Round Femera-BFN
    4 IUIs (1 Clomid, 1 Femara, 2 injectables)-BFN
    February 2010-Laparoscopy
    4 months of Lupron
    August 2010-IUI #5-BFN
    October 2010-IUI #6-BFN
    IVF #1 November 2010-BFN
    IVF #2 March 2011-BFN
  • Biggest hugs Jessica. I hope that you are both on firm ground soon. We're here for you, for any reason, in any way.
  • I'm so sorry you are having problems and are in a bad place. I hope things turn around.

    Are you seeing a counselor together? We have been since we lost the boys and it is really helpful. 

    TTC with severe MFI since 9/08 IVF w/ ICSI #1 May/June 2010= BFP twins
    Callan George and Bennett Charles born and died 11/7/10
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    FET #1 April 2011= BFN
    FET #2 July 2011= no transfer because my lining sucked
    FET #3 February 2012= BFP! 1st beta 9dp5dt=314 2nd beta 11dp5dt=977 1st U/S 3/20 Twins- Heart rates of 111 and 138 Pregnancy Ticker
    Living After Losing
  • I'm sorry to hear you're going through a rough time...I hope you guys get to a good place soon! 

    We'll always be here for you so lurk or come around whenever you want!

    Thinking of you and sending ((hugs))!

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  • SO sorry to hear this Jessica :( Hoping the break allows time for you and your H to be able to get back to a good place with each other.

    Hugs to you Hun

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  • I am so sorry hun. Me and my H had a really hard time when he came back from overseas and I didn?t think we were going to make it. It is good you are a break and don?t have the stress of holding everything together. I wish you guys the best and hope time will heal the wounds and you guys can come back to a good place. ((hugs)) We are always here for you!!

    Dx: PCOS, Anovulatory, Amenorrhea 2006
    TTC: Sept 2008
    IVF#1 Cancelled due to breast biopsy.05/01/20

    IVF#1.2- 9/2010 - Cancelled Oversurpressed

    IVF#2 Microdose Lupron 10/2010 Beta 11/09=BFN
    IVF#3 2/2011 - 2 blasts(2/25) Beta 03/11 =BFN
    IVF#4 Lupron 01/02 =2 blasts, beta's 1-4 198,234,398,3100!!BFP
    FET 3/2014 2 blasts BETA 3/20=BFP TWINS EDD 11/27 TEAM PINK!!!                   



  • ((hugs))  I am sorry that things are rough between you and your DH.  I hope that you two are able to work things out and get back to a good place.  We're here for you!
    *P/SAIFW* TTC since 1/08 Clomid, 2 IUIs, 4 IVFs, FET 7 losses Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagecookie_queen:

    Are you seeing a counselor together? We have been since we lost the boys and it is really helpful. 

    I was seeing a counselor a few weeks back. My H came to one session. The counselor suggested my H seek individual counseling for some of his issues but so far my H has refused Sad He doesn't see the benefit of it but I'm hoping he'll change his tune sooner rather than later.

    TTC 12/2009
    Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
    IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
    E & C Born 10/19/2012
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm sorry.  We have been there before too and it sucks.  You will get through this!  Glad you are doing the counseling.
    Diagnosis: DOR and MFI-low everything IVF #1 = triplets! 2 girls and a boy! Born Sept 29, 2011 at 32w6d due to Pre-e and HELLP syndrome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • for what its worth - it took a little bit to convince MH to go.

    It made a world of difference.

    TTC #2 since June '08

    ~*DD 10.21.07*~

    dx unexplained

    IUI #1-4 BFN

    IVF#1 June 2011 BFN

    IVF#2 Dec 2011

    Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634

    EDD 8/25


  • ((HUGS)) I hope you get everything worked out.
    Mommies to 5 fur babies!
    TTC#1 since 2004
    4 cycles @ home with known donor - BFN
    RE un-medicated IUI cycles # 1-7= BFN
    NEW RE Clomid 50mg/ Ovidrel/ IUI #8 BFN
    Took long break
    Nov 2009 - Clomid 50mg/ Ovidrel/IUI #9 = BFP
    Beta 12/4 - 10...Beta #2 12/7- 28 Beta #3 12/9 - 80!
    1st sonogram 12/28 - slow hb and growth
    m/c 1/1/2010 Courtland 8w0d
    Nov 2010 cycle cancelled - polyp removal/hysteroscopy
    April 4 2011 - IUI #10 BFFN
    July 5, 2011 - #11 BFFN AMH .62 Boo
  • ...I just wanted to pop in and say that I am sorry you have to deal with this.  Marriage is hard. period.  Add IF on top of it and it can be even more difficult.  Please do what you need to do to get in the right place for you and your family.  The board will be here.  GL to you.
    TTC since 3/07. IVF#1 = canceled. IVF#2 = 0% fertilization. IVF#3 = BFN. IVF#4 = c/p.  
    Moving forward with Adoption 2017!
  • I'm sorry to hear that, hoping you and DH can get back to solid ground soon.  *hugs*
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  • imageDeputiesWife:

    Just wanted to offer some hugs and hope that you and your DH are able to work thru everything.

    Please continue to lurk and post. We are always here for you - break or no break.


    ditto this.  we will miss you if you leave, so please stay around.  we are here for whatever you need.  

    big hugs.

    **SAIF always welcome.**
    After 2+ years, 3 losses, 3 surgeries, 2 IVFs and 1 FET our little girl is here.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    my read shelf:
    Lauren (babystinkbreath)'s book recommendations, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)
    Read in 2011: 56/55
    Read in 2012: 31/30
    Read in 2013: 1/25
    Follow Me on Pinterest

  • ((hugs)) 

     Marriage can be very hard and dealing with IF doesnt help. I hope you and your H can get to a good place soon!

    Natural BFP on 3/08
    C/P- at 6 weeks
    5 IUI's= BFN
    Dx: Endo stage 1 : evevated FSH (11.3)
    IVF#1: 3dt 2 8 cell, grade 1 embyos :bfn


    ~A lotus springs from mud~ Chinese proverb
  • So sorry your going thru a rough time. I hope things get better for you and your DH.
    After 3 years of infertility we were blessed with twin girls through private infant adoption.
    Forever our's October 17th 2012
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • we took an IF break and it did wonders for me individually but also for us as a couple. I don't know how anyone survives all of this without counselling so I hope YH willagree to go to more sessions.  Hugs.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    History of IF and 2.5 years TTC. The day we were to start our first IUI we received a call that changed our lives forever and 10 month old Olivia joined our family. Shortly thereafter we got a surprise BFP and baby 2 is due July 5, 2012

  • Hugs.  You need to do whatever is right for you and that is the important thing.  We're always here if you need us.
    TTC #1 since October 2008. Dealing with MFI.
    IVF #1 w ICSI in July 2010 = BFN
    IVF #2.1 in Oct 2010 converted to IUI = BFN
    IVF #2.2 w ICSI in Dec 2010 = BFN
    Met with new RE in new city on 1/31/11.
    IVF #3 w ICSI in April 2011. HPT on 5/9 = BFP!
    Beta #1 on 5/10 (10dp5dt) = 99.4. Beta #2 on 5/12 = 284. First u/s on 5/26. = Fraternal TWINS!
    Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
    IVF #4.1 in Jan 2012 converted to IUI on 1/7/12 = BFN
    IVF #4.2 w ICSI in Feb 2012. Lupron on 2/10. Stims on 2/18. ER on 2/29- 7R,6F
    ET scheduled for 3/5/12- nothing to transfer :(
    Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
    IVF #5 in Dec 2012 = BFFN.
    IVF #6 planned for Spring 2013. Praying for our take home baby/ies.
    **P/SAIF and P/SAL always welcome!**

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • I'm so sorry hun, I can totally sympathze. DH and I have been having a rough go of it lately too and it just adds extra stress. Good luck and HUGS!
  • I'm sorry, I completely know how you feel as I often question if my DH and I are stable enough to even have children.  PM me if you ever need to vent.... Hang in there!!
  • IF can be very trying on a marriage.  DH and I were not on the same page in the very beginning, and it caused a lot of fights.  I feel like we also fought about more things that were non-IF related because we were just massively stressed out over our diagnosis.  We weren't reacting well to anything that got thrown our way. 

    Right now we are on a break trying to enjoy life together without children.  I thought I would hate it, but I have actually been embracing it.  Being on a break is nice because I can have my coffee and go out drinking a bit and take my ibuprofen without feeling guilty.  I just wanted to give you hope that a break can be very good mentally (and physically).  Sometimes it's just what the doctor ordered.  :)

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  • I'm sorry you're going through this.  I hope you guys can get back on the right track soon.

    After 2+ years and multiple treatment cycles,
    including an IVF vacation in Costa Rica/Panama,
    IVF #2 brought us our miracle baby!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Surprise!  Baby Boy is on the way!



  • ((HUGS))

    i hope the break helps and you are back in a good place soon


    Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie ten Boom
    Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher (thank you beadinglady)

    It's been a long journey. TTC since 9/06. multiple IUI's and IVF's and 4 m/c's. IVF#3 = BFP, twins, induced at 34w6d due to baby b passing away (no explanation). Delivered on 35w1d, Baby A - baby girl, and Baby B - baby boy, our little angel.
    MTHFR A1298C & C677T, Immune Issues and Factor II
  • Very sorry hun! Lots of T&P to you and DH! ((HUGS))
    Dx Anovulatory PCOS Clomid,Ovidrel,TI=BFN IUI#1-#3 Femara,Ovidrel=BFN IUI#4-Gonal F,Ovidrel=BFN IUI#5-Gonal F,Ovidrel= BFP!! Beta #1 11dpIUI=34, Beta #2=131,first u/s 3/14=1 perfect bug with a heartbeat! Anderson Phillip, Born 11/2/11 7lbs 10oz 21in. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm sorry:< I hope you guys can get back in the swing of things soon.
    PAIF and SAIF Always Welcome!
    TTC since 2007
    6 IUIs, 3 IVFs, and 2 m/c :< PCOS, Blood Clotting Disorder & MFI
    IVF #2 Aug 2011 is a BFN:<
    IVF #3 March 2012 is a BFN
    Not sure what to do now. Sad and lost.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Huge's hard not to go through stuff with all of this IF crap.  Ur always welcome here.
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  • I'm sorry. I hope you and your H are able to work through things. ((hugs))
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  • I'm really sorry that you are going through this now.  Just want to big you a virtual {{hug}...
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  • ((HUGS)) I hope a break is just what you and you DH need. We are here for you.
    ::PAIF/SAIF Welcome::

    TTC since July 2008
    IUI 1,2,3 BFN
    IVF #1 C/P, FET 1,2,3 BFN
    IVF#2 BFP

    it's a girl!!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • ((hugs)) I hope you can both get back to where you need to be.
    Trying to grow our family with both fertility treatments and adoption since March 2009 
    IUIs#1-4 = BFN, IVF#1 = c/p, IVF#2 = OHSS, FET#1=BFP
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • As far as I'm concerned, you will always be welcome here. We're here for you (((HUGS)))

    We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And HOPE does not dissappoint.
    Romans 5:3-5

    ~Matt and Jen~
    Married August 26, 2006
    TTC since June 2008
    Severe MFI
    IVF #1 Feb. 2011 = BFN
    IVF #2 (Long Lupron) May 2011 = BFP!!!
    Our sweet little girl, born January 26, 2012

    Time for #2!

    IVF #1 (Long Lupron) July 2013 = BFP!!!

    Beta #1 (8/1) 203! Beta #2 (8/8) 3,677! 1st u/s scheduled for 8/15!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Hang out for as long as you'd like.

    Hope you find the best decision for you and DH very soon. 

    My Story and Blog:
    The Conception Craze

    1/2009- TTTC
    After 7 rounds of clomid and HcG, Three failed IUI's with an ectopic pregnancy, two shots of methotrextate, ER visits, breaks, low (3%) morphology One IVF cycle (lupron, gonal-F) that ended in another ectopic, more methotrexate, A Lap to disconnect both tubes, remove endo and a hydrosalphinx, . . .we are finally expecting TWINS from FET#1!
    1.11. 2011: Beginning FET cycle!
    3.11.11- FET! (DH's birthday!) 2 blasts transfered!
    3.20.11- BETA #1 BFP!!! 272! (9dp5dt)
    3.23.11- BETA #2 1346!!! (12dp5dt)
    4.8.11- U/S #1. . TWINS!!! . . .TWO BOYS!
    9.10.11-My beautiful Boys arrive unexpectedly at 28 weeks, 6 days. imageimage
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image

  • Sending you hugs, hun!  I hope that you and DH can get back on common ground really soon.  Please stick around and keep posting!
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  • giant ::hugs::

    I'm sorry, we are here for you always. 

    TTC since April 2008

    Me: PCOS/Amenorrhea DH: Azoospermia due to Y Chromosome Micro Deletion IVF w/ ICSI on hold until further notice


  • You are welcome anytime.  I hope you and DH can work things out and are back to TTC in no time!  HUGS!
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  • (((hugs)))

    I'm praying that y'all are able to get back to a good place.

    After 3 1/2 years of hope and prayers, our sweet baby girl is here! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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