
Grocery shopped w/ my twins

Didn't go well at all.  I brought my husband to follow and just kinda hang back in case it got bad, and it did.  

I started by feeding both before we got in the vehicle.  The drive was fine, not a single peep from either one.  I took the double stroller (front/back kind) in and just threw produce into the under carriage.  No way will I ever be able to use a shopping cart..... Not until they are able to sit up at least (hurry babies, please!!)  They didn't have the double-seat carts anyway.  I was picking up some fruit when I looked at my husband and said "who are these quiet babies??"  what a blessing!"  In that very SECOND they BOTH started to whimper.  Unfortunately, when my babies whimper, it turns to bloody murder screaming rather quickly unless I figure out the problem fast.  Sure enough, they started to up the volume.  I panicked, left the stuff I'd gotten so far w/ my husband, and took the babies to the store next door which had furniture and tried to comfort nurse both.  That just pissed them off even more.  At this point I look like a regular freak show.  So I take both screaming babies to the truck.  We have a toyota tacoma, so there isn't much wiggle room...  But I was able to just put both carseats in and just hold one at a time, taking turns, to temporarily ease the crying as I waited for my husband to finish shopping.  He shows up 30 mins later and loads the groceries and we drive home to the sound of blood-curdling screams.

Lovely.  Hubby was tasked on a short-notice deployment, so he leaves this weekend for 7-8 months.  I thought he was leaving in May... that would give us time to do sleep training together before he left when they turned 6 months old.  But that's not happening, and I'm about to find out how really strong apparently the man upstairs thinks I can be. 

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Re: Grocery shopped w/ my twins

  • HUGS!

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  • Oh that's the worst.  The last time I had a grocery store meltdown I had just put the last item in my cart.  Thankfully, strangers took pity on me and one woman loaded up my groceries at check-out, and another bagged everything and wheeled it out to my car!

    When I had my DSNG (front to back), I used to push the stroller and pull a cart.  I'd leave the cart at the end of an aisle, collect what I needed, and then go dump it in the cart.  Honestly, it's harder now with my SBS to push that and pull a cart.  The DSNG had the one long bar so I could put my hand in the center and move it around pretty easily. 

    Do you have a grocery delivery service available to you? 2 of the major chains in NJ deliver.  That's what I do now.  I order everything online and they deliver.  The fee is between $7 and $10 depending on how much you order.  It's $10 well spent.

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  • Ugh!  Your experience is my fear!  I am 10 weeks pregnant with twins and so worried about how I will due day to day stuff when they arrive!



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  • Its rough, you will figure something out. Have you thought about wearing one and putting the other in the infant car seat in the cart? DH was gone for a month and that was the only way I could get shopping done, 2 carseats and the stroller was too hard to push and pull a cart behind for me.
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  • how old are your twins? i always wore them when i grocery shopped.  that is why i ask how they are...if they are still sorta light,  you can tandem wear them (one on back, one on front)..otherwise, just wear one and put one in the cart.

    i do recommend trying it again - the more you do it, the easier it is. 

    i do a lot of grocery shopping because its an activity that gets us out of the house (especially in the summer since its too hot to go outside).  my kids think grocery shopping all the time is normal, so they dont mind it. its all they know!

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  • They just turned 5 months today, and are 13 lbs each.  I have a twin carrier that just came in the mail yesterday that I'm still trying to figure out.  Also have 2 ergos, but don't know how to wear one in front, one in back.  I think I will try the infant car seat in the cart next time, while wearing the other.  

    I wish Albertson's would deliver groceries.. that would be awesome!  They don't even have a double cart, and when I talk to them about this, it's always "we'll look into it".  Unfortunately the only grocery store in town is Albertson's or Walmart, but Walmart has horrible produce here. 

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  • Ugh that is terrible. I have not braved grocery shopping with the two of them. Honestly if I were you I would see if you can order online at a local grocery store. And if you can maybe try that. That's what I do. If you have one that delivers even better. I pay the $5 to shop online and pick it up at the store. You could bring the babies for a quick pick up but probably not for a huge shopping trip. Sorry you had such a terrible experience. Hugs to you.
  • Perhaps my sleep deprivation is affecting my judgment, but my trick for grocery shopping and errands so far is to not stress if the babies cry. If they are fed and dry and bundled up warmly enough, and if I keep the stroller or grocery cart moving, they don't tend to fuss too badly.

    If they do get upset, the grocery store isn't a library or office, so people don't seem to mind the crying too badly. It just gives them another opportunity to tell me "You've got your hands full!" -- and what's a grocery store trip without hearing that these days! Smile

    I don't know what I'll do after these infant days, though, because only one of our nearby grocery stores has the big car carts that seat two, and you have to make it all the way into the store before knowing if there's even one available.

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  • imagemissfire:

    I don't know what I'll do after these infant days, though, because only one of our nearby grocery stores has the big car carts that seat two, and you have to make it all the way into the store before knowing if there's even one available.

    As a new mom, of course I always assume right here and now is the hardest...  can't even think about big car carts right now, haha! 

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  • if there is no double cart, i put on in the front of the cart and one in the basket of the cart. i have them trained pretty well to stay seated.  and then i put all the food under the cart (except heavy items, like  gallons of milk, that they cannot throw out).

    of course, you cant do a super large trip like this, but you can get what you need.

    we usually do one trip to trader joes, a few days later a trip to the farmers market, a few days later costco and then end the week at the normal grocery store. only costco has the double carts for sure...our normal grocery store has a few so we just cross our fingers. 

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