Hi Ladies,
I had my 20 wk ultrasound yesterday and was shocked to learn we are having another boy! I felt so different this time around I was sure it was a girl. Needless to say, we had a girls name all ready to go but agreeing on a boys name has been tough. I feel like we have exhausted all of the ideas in our baby name book.
Can you recommmend your favorite baby name website?
Re: Recommend Your Favorite Baby Name Websites?
This has a lot:
I like Nameberry and Nymbler, and Baby Name Wizard for popularity over time.
Congratulations on the little boy- brothers will be a lot of fun to raise.
And they aren't baby name websites as such, but I spend a lot of time on language academy sites looking through their databases, or country birth registries.
I think it depends what kind of names you're looking for as to what kind of site I'd recommend. Do you have The Baby Name Wizard book? I find that to be a pretty solid starting point. Nymbler has the same idea behind it, but throws out some weird suggestions.
On namenerds.com, there's a name style quiz, and I`ve found that helpful.