
all i wanted today was a nap...

and not once were the boys both asleep for more than 10 mins at the same time...

ugh bad day

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Re: all i wanted today was a nap...

  • I find that if I even hope/plan for something it will never happen.  My girls have a way of knowing and ruining my plans!

    Hopefully they sleep better for you tomorrow and you get your nap

  • I feel like I am going to have a lot of days like this...during the day my girls are constantly switching roles...when one is fussy, the other one is quite...when one of them is sleeping the other one is wide awake!....I'm just glad they aren't like this at night..
    Livian Elizabeth and Alayna Marjorie!  On their way to 3!
    Lilypie - (mtvk)
    Lilypie - (WdLV)
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  • OMG I feel your pain...I was up 3x with DS last night and was soooo hoping they would nap together this morning...nope, it was a full on crankfest ALL day...DH is with them now and I can hear DD - my CALM one - screaming bloody murder right now...
    B/G twins!
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