
Anyone watch 'Raising Sextuplets'?

I just watched this show for the first time yesterday and I'm baffled. Why the h*ll did they move across the country away from family?  I have two kids and couldn't get along with out family nearby.  Anyone watch this show regularly and can enlighten me?
SAHM to DD1 (7), DS (5) and DD2 (1)

Re: Anyone watch 'Raising Sextuplets'?

  • Are these the people from Arizona? If they are, I think they are getting divorced.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • They say they moved there to start his new business.  I've also heard them make a few comments about how it is "time to do this on their own" etc.  NOt sure how much that has to do with it.  Are they the same couple that domestic violence/assault charges were filed against the Dad?  Could have been another multiples show.  I can't remember.  He is an ass hat imo.
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  • imageMonkeybutt109:
    They say they moved there to start his new business.  I've also heard them make a few comments about how it is "time to do this on their own" etc.  NOt sure how much that has to do with it.  Are they the same couple that domestic violence/assault charges were filed against the Dad?  Could have been another multiples show.  I can't remember.  He is an ass hat imo.

    No that's them.  I really liked the show at first. But the Dad clearly and very quickly showed that he was an ass. 

    They had something on the news down here where the dad went nuts and started throwing the kids in the car in teh middle of the night when they had a big fight and some allegations of abuse.   Scary.

    I wonder how they are....

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yikes.  That's sad.  They seemed pretty dysfunctional just in the episode I watched.
    SAHM to DD1 (7), DS (5) and DD2 (1)
  • Based on what I've read (on the internet, of course, so take it for what you will) is that they had a huge fight en route to AZ from FL about a man she had been seeing on the side. The fight escalated when they arrived at her parents' house, he got arrested and she filed for divorce the next week. The wife of the man she supposedly had the affair with filed for divorce the following week or soon after the sextuplet mom filed. He was a total asshat, I wanted to kick him in the face every time I watched the show, but I wouldn't have thought she'd cheat. Hell, what kind of sane man wants to get into THAT circus, right? Crazy husband, 6 kids, a TV show?! This chick must be some kind of goddess, or the man must be nuts!
    She's crafty - and she's just my type.
  • I did not like that dad either...

    Who was the other couple with 6 (or something) kids? I like them! They had to downsize their home because he was in construction or something and business was bad. They also had an older DD.

  • imageamiamish:

    I did not like that dad either...

    Who was the other couple with 6 (or something) kids? I like them! They had to downsize their home because he was in construction or something and business was bad. They also had an older DD.

    I believe that show was "Quints by Surprise" on  TLC.

  • Thanks Ali- that was it! I liked them, they seemed so sweet and down to earth.
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