Hi! I keep waffling between getting 2 dozen newborn-size GMD prefolds, or getting a dozen newborns and a dozen smalls. I'm getting 4 Thirsties XS covers (purchased off my registry but not received yet). Additionally, I'm getting at least 6 small pockets and will probably get a few KL0s as well.
My concern is that my family tends to birth some chunky babies - 8-10 lbs. - so those newborn/XS sizes may only last a couple weeks. I'm wondering if once I receive the XS covers if I should exchange a couple of them for size one Duo covers so they'll last a bit longer, and get some small PFs to go in them. But, I'm planning to switch to mostly pockets or AIOs at 10-12 lbs anyway, so maybe that doesn't matter.
I know I'm overanalyzing a 20-something dollar purchase, just thought I'd get some input!
Re: 2 dozen newborn size prefolds, or a mix?
My son was 8lb6oz at birth and we went straight to infant sized prefolds. They were large at first, but we folded down the back in order to adjust the overall length. They fit him until he was about 5 months old. Because he was tall and thin, our one-size pockets didn't fit well until about 3 1/2 months old (around 14ish pounds).
I think exchange the XS Thirsties for Duo 1 is a good idea.
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