
shrinking cervix success stories?

I have been feeling a bit of pressure "down there" off and on since yesterday. I told my nurse and today my doc sent me for an internal ultrasound. Turns out my cervix has gone from 2.2 to 1.3. Ugh! And, baby A's head is very low in my pelvis. I need some success stories. I am already in the hospital on bedrest, contracting irregularly and taking visteril for my contractions. Has anyone else had a short cervical length yet was still able to stay pregnant for a bit? I just need to get to 34 weeks. I can do it, I can do it.....

Re: shrinking cervix success stories?

  • I went on bedrest between 22-23 weeks for a funneling cervix and contractions.  My cervix was down to 1.3 and after 5 weeks of hospital bedrest it was only 1.4.  They let me go home on bedrest and I was on procardia.  I made it to 36 weeks, 2 days so anything is possible.  My doc even admitted after I had them that he never expected me to make it that long!  Good luck!!
  • One of my best friends was placed on bedrest (first home then hospital) for 12 weeks because of a shortened cervix.  She ended up going home at 34 weeks and they ended up enducing her.

    One thing they did was PIO shots once per week.  There have been some studies this can help keep your cervix where it is.  You might want to ask about it or research it online.

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  • My cervix was 5mm from 24ish weeks on.. I was on strict bedrest and made it to 34w1d. My peri said I probably would have made it to 36 weeks+ if I did not have to be induced (baby A failed his BPP).
  • I had a short cervix and after 28 weeks i think they stopped measureing. I was put on bedrest for this and having contractions at 24 weeks. I did most of my bedrest at home, only because i live 20 min from the hospital. I went to 32 weeks and 1 day. I had a schedule c section at 34 weeks, but did not make it because one of the babies was distress.

    They are now 11 months old and doing great. We only spent a total of 21 weeks in NICU .

     YOu are doing a great job keeping those babies in. YOu can do it. 

  • My cervix shortened and shortened and I had a cerclage and my cervix still vanished. But I have two beautiful babies born at 29w4d and are home now :)

     And I was on bedrest for 14 weeks!

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