Hello all!
I am waiting on number three, and we are looking at diaper options. I have a 15 year old and a 9 year old, and the only thing I have ever used are prefolds, pins, and rubber pants. This is DH's first, and while I have convinced him that CD are the way to go, he has drawn the line at "flat diapers and pointy pins". I have gotten hands-on with a couple different brands, and (in theory) we like the Best Bottoms. I have only found one person IRL who uses them, and she loves them, so I was hoping for a little more input.
Re: Does anyone use Best Bottoms?
We have some best bottoms. Right now we aren't using them because I only have the size small soaker and DD needs a larger snap in soaker. I liked them a lot when DD was smaller because they never leaked and are so trim. We've since transitioned to using more fitteds/wool.
I'm contemplating on either selling my stash of Best Bottoms or saving it for LO #2. They are one of DH's favorites to use, but he works so much I do most of the diaper changing anyways.
I think there are more reviews listed in the board's cloth diaper review spreadsheet. Hope that helps some!
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
Sure can! I've done this many times and will be doing it again for a cross-country trip at the end of the month.
The Bee Hive Blog
"So I sing a song of love, Julia"
BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!
25 Weeks - GOAL MET 52.2 Pounds gone! 27 Weeks Total Pounds Lost: 54.0
If you decide to sell them let me know, depending on the color I'd love to buy them!