Does anyone use this with their LO?
Juliette has needed a sound machine since she came home from the hospital to sleep. She's a very, very light sleeper and without it, all the noises from the airport, cat, house etc. would keep her up all night. She listens to the sound of the rain and the highest volumne I guess on her sound machine. She's 19mo. and sleeps great now. I'm wondering if this is still okay, especially since she has a baby sister coming soon. Then I'm wondering if I need to get Luci hooked "on" the white noise because they are going to be sharing a room. What do you think?
Re: White noise
Evie used to use white noise every night but her alarm clock broke in our move and I haven't replaced it. She has slept fine. In the beginning she had it on all the time, then as she got older some nights she'd tell us she didn't want it.
I was surprised when Liam came home that he never woke her up in the middle of the night.
genius!!! I think I might just pack ours up now!
DH and I sleep with a fan and a noise machine so it seemed normal to put the same in DS's room. I can't sleep if it is too quiet. He naps at daycare with all sorts of background noise and doesn't seem bothered by normal household noise so I think he will be the same way.
don't poke the bear!