Cincinnati Babies

DH is gone this week.. sigh...

He stopped at our house in Louisville and picked up the webcame we had on my desktop so at least we got to skype.  Cerys grinned when he called and she got to see "dada"...

Last week was the first time she said it.  One morning he hadn't left for work when she got up (normally he's gone) and she saw him after i changed her diaper.. she got the BIGGEST grin and crawled to him like it was her job and screamed "DADA!!".  It totally melted my heart.

So tomorrow a friend is coming round and I am going to cook dinner cause she doesn't cook and Wed I have my OB appt. then we are heading to Louisville because I have a baby shower for a friend Saturday.

Lots and lots of fun!!!!

But I miss DH.  I won't have anyone to watch DD while I shower or even to just go to the bathroom.  Sigh. Just wanted to vent.

image Momma to Ms. C age 16 months and Mr. C age 3 months!

Re: DH is gone this week.. sigh...

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