ExH has me convinced that L can go all night and stay dry. (Supposedly L does it at his house all the time)
L's dad told him that if he could go all week without wetting the bed, his dad would take him to Chuck E. Cheese.
I let him go without a pull up tonight.
Who is braver?
The ex and Chuck E. Cheese
Me and no pull up (on L, obviously)
Re: Who is braver? exH or myself?
Totally depends what day he plans to do CEC.
ok, ok. definitely you.
I let Evan go for two weeks with no pullup recently, and I changed sheets every single night, sometimes more than once. It didn't work, but it was worth a shot, I guess.
I will not set foot in Chuck E Cheese if I can possibly avoid it. Last time I was there, I ended up with a stomach virus the next day. Over the holidays, we went to a place very similar to CEC, and I joked about the stomach virus thing. Guess who ended up puking her guts out two days later? Me.
I kind of love CEC, is that weird? DS pretty much has to fight me for his tokens lol!
In my defense the CEC by my house is really nice and just recently redone. It also has an indoor playground area, we go at like 10 am on weekdays and there is never anybody there and I can entertain my kids (and myself) for $10 for two hours!