Cloth Diapering

Newbie- what about formula fed babes?

My DD was a preemie and we are now starting to think about beginning our journey into cloth diapering (she's finally bigger than the dipe!) I unfortunately haven't been able to BF as planned and know that breast fed poo could go right in the washer (no dunking/spraying needed), what about formula fed little ones?

Re: Newbie- what about formula fed babes?

  • DS is formula fed and before he started solids I just threw the diaper in the pail.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Yeah, you could just throw it in the pail.  But mine was an infrequent pooper so when she went, it was a disaster.  I had to rinse with a diaper sprayer to prevent the attack on our noses.
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