I posted earlier that Lila has a slightly elevated temp around 99.7 (a little warmer than usual for her), she's fussier than usual and won't really let me put her down. She took a nice nap, but in the Moby, and when she's a wake she just wants to nurse constantly. She was exposed to strep- Charlotte had it last week and is still on an antibiotic for it, but seems to be better and has been on her antibiotic since last Tuesday night. Lila didn't start showing symptoms until last night, so I'm hoping she is in the clear for catching Charlotte's yuckiness.
Anyway- I put in a call to our doctor and was told they would pass the info along and someone would get back to me. Well, no one ever did, so I finally called back and apparently there was no message put in to our pedi. (Ugh. I love our pedi and the staff, but the people on the phones leave something to be desired.) Anyway, not a huge deal. If need be, we can have her seen after hours or tomorrow, but the nurse I spoke with on the phone said that if she is still sleeping okay and eating okay, it's probably fine to just see how she does for now. She also said I could give her Tylenol for the fever.
I'm not really satisfied with this since I think they just want me to think she's fine because something was messed up on their end of returning my call. Also I think the reason she continues to nurse well is that she has a sore throat and is trying to soothe it. Also, I am pretty sure I've been told they can't have Tylenol at 1 month, and it wasn't our pedi that advised this, it was a staff member (I'm guessing a nurse but I have no idea). She's 7 weeks, and is about 9 1/2 pounds. She said I could give her 0.4 ml. What would you do? I wouldn't medicate for just a fever, but she's clearly miserable. On the other hand, I've never had to give such a young baby medicine and I'm nervous about it.
And sorry this is so long and rambly... I'm just a little frustrated and I just know that she's not feeling well.
Re: Tylenol for a 1 month old?
I wouldn't. For no other reason that I don't want to mask symptoms in a 1 month old without knowing what's really going on... I'd want to wait and see if her temp was going to go up and if I thought she needed to be seen by a doctor. I'd probably wait and see what happened over night... and if it shot up or she got really uncomfortable I'd give tylenol and be at the pedi first thing in the a.m.
I was giving DS Tylenol at 2 months for his shots (so he was 8 weeks old...and the pedi advised it) so I would say Tylenol is fine.
If you feel uncomfortable though, I would call back and ask to speak to the pedi GL... Poor baby!
I just now edited to add that part, so it wasn't there before.
My pedi told me that it isn't a fever in babies unless it goes over 100.5... was anyone else told this?
I had to give Cerys tylenol at 2 months as well because she had a 101 temp (ear infection)... she did fine. I just made sure I had INFANT tylenol and gave her the recommended dose (I think it was like .4 or something?).... it was half the dropper, I do remember that.
Hope she feels better soon!!!
I wouldn't give Tylenol unless I had specific instructions and/or an OK from the doctor.
Poor little thing. I hope she's better soon.
Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler
I was just given a chart from our pedi that has weight/ages to give Tylenol. (We needed it because of Charlotte's 2 mo shots and because she had a fever last night.)
Stats are as follows: 0-3 months or 6-11lbs - 0.4ml. I'd say that's where you'd fall. The next step is 4-11 months, 12-17 lbs, 0.8ml. It says use weight over age.
Charlotte took it just fine, and she's really little for her age. (Although first time Mommy mistake, don't shove the dropper too far back in her mouth. I accidently did that and she vomitted up her entire 5 oz bottle. Bad Mommy!)