Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

What to put in pinata for 2nd birthday party?

We really don't give DD sweets, once in a while she'll get an Oreo or something, but she's never really had candy.

For her 2nd party, we are having a pinata, but I'm not sure what to fill it with?  The kids at her party will be anywhere from 2 to 6.  I'm mainly thinking of the little ones (closer to 2) and I'm not sure what to fill it with? 

This might sound silly, but what kind of candies can a 23 month old have anyway?  I'm so paranoid about choking, it seems there aren't many candies out there she can safely have.  Other than maybe a piece of chocolate.

Re: What to put in pinata for 2nd birthday party?

  • We had a pinata at DDs first birthday, mainly for the older kids that ranged in age between 2-4 and one 8 year old. I put in some fruit snacks, granola bars, and a few Kit Kats. I just figured it was up to the parents to watch what their kids are eating as well, but I tried to be somewhat young child friendly. We also did the pinata at the end of the party after giving out the goodie bags, so they put the treats from the pinata in the goodie bags to take home. That eliminated some eating at the party as well. Have fun!
  • I would do mini bags of pretzels, goldfish, crackers, fruit snacks.  Maybe some mini bubble bottle (at $ store), small boxes of crayons. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • Bouncy balls!  (big enough not to be a choking hazard, of course)  Adds a bit of excitement when everything falls out.  DS had one at his 1st bday, and most of the other kids ranged in age from 1 - 6 as well.  We did a lot of lollipops, fruit snacks, and a bunch of Mexican candies (mostly hard candy covered in lime & chile) that DH insisted on.  We also put in a bunch of little toys from the party favor section for the smaller kids instead of all the candy.
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