Baby Names

Names on A Baby Story

The toddler son is named Chase and the new baby girl's name is.......


Grace and Chase. I find this funny, for some reason.

Wyatt 9/6/2011 
Tessa 7/5/2013
Baby #3- ????? (ttc soon)

Re: Names on A Baby Story

  • Yeah those names by themselves are fine but together it's pretty bad.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • imageAmanda&EricB:

    The toddler son is named Chase and the new baby girl's name is.......


    Grace and Chase. I find this funny, for some reason.

    The reason is because they rhyme. Wink

    That's a strange choice for a sibset, though the name Grace is lovely.

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  • Yeah I am not into rhyming sib sets!

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  • I just watched that episode and never picked up on that! I'm a dork lol.
  • I just watched that episode as well!

    they sound similar for my taste!
  • The one before that the older son was Jameson and the new baby girl was Bernadette Elisabeth.  I thought Bernadette was great, but I thought it was a little strange with Jameson.  

    I also totally didn't pick up on the fact that Grace and Chase rhymed.   

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  • imageAmanda&EricB:

    The toddler son is named Chase and the new baby girl's name is.......


    Grace and Chase. I find this funny, for some reason.

    Ha. My guess: They will spend the next 18 years mixing the names up, especially when frustrated with one child. Awkward.

  • I was just watching that, and found myself wondering for about 10 minutes if I had heard them correctly. I had. Very odd- too matchy for me.
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  • They're going to get a lot of strange looks when people ask them what their kids names are. Grace and Chase! Chase and Grace! So stupid.
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