Baby Names

Why do people love telling you what they don't like?

I just asked my local board about baby boy names... obviously people were not fans of them, so they posted unnecessary comments about how they didn't like them for this or that reason.  

Why do people get amped up about telling you how they don't like a name?  

Obviously, I like them, otherwise I wouldn't be thinking about them.  So I will try here... please only post if you have sincere, helpful comments.  

I would love other suggestions as well too please!  

Thank you for taking the time to read through my name list.

Middle name will be Joseph, my father's name.  Our last name is Peterson...

Raine, Callum, Torsten, Leif, Axel (a family name) 

Re: Why do people love telling you what they don't like?

  • None of those are my style. All seem trendy and I've never heard of Torsten for a name.

    I have a student named Rani--female. 

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  • From your list, I like Leif (Layf).  I think your MN is perfection!!  I love the name Joseph.
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  • This is going to come off as harsher than I intend, but the reason that people give you honest feedback is because you asked for it. If you don't want to hear honesty, posting on an anonymous message board isn't the way to go for you. People give you exactly what they think because it's better that you hear it now than your child be teased later.

    ETA:  I like Leif out of the choices given



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  • Do you like "Leif" pronounced "lay-f"... like the Norse explorer Leif Ericsson... or Lief, pronounced "leaf" Afrikaans for "love, beloved"??
  • If you are posting names for people to give opinions....your going to get just that, opinions - good & bad.

    I like the name Callum. I do not care for the others....most I've never even heard of.

  • Well, if you ask for opinions, you're going to get good and bad.  And I think if some people dislike a name, they feel they have to speak up.

    Out of your list, I could do Leif or Axel.  Neither is my style, but I like them better than the others.

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  • imageCatahoulaMom:
    This is going to come off as harsher than I intend, but the reason that people give you honest feedback is because you asked for it. If you don't want to hear honesty, posting on an anonymous message board isn't the way to go for you. People give you exactly what they think because it's better that you hear it now than your child be teased later.

    Oh, I get it... haha!  But it just feels personal when people get rude.  


    P.S. catahoulas are awesome dogs. :) 

  • Oh my goodness, I love Axel. Raine is also nice. Not a fan of the others. Axel Raine just sounds awesome.
  • Umm - when you ask a person their opinion they are going to tell you. Since it appears you have not read posts in this board, I will go ahead and warn you. We are not ones to sugar coat (if you want sugar coating, ask friends or family), here we tell you what the average person thinks when you mention a name, HONEST opinion ... So here you go because you ASKED...

    Raine - dog name or stripper name, not meant for a human, especially a male since it is a female name. 

    Callum - I like, I especially like the nn Cal. 

    Torsten - I think of a turtle. 

    Leif - Not bad, but I grew up with a Leif and he was teased a lot because of his name. 

    Axel - Horrible. I am not sure why people like this name. Since it is family name I would use it in the middle.

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  • imageCeHbunnie:
    Oh my goodness, I love Axel. Raine is also nice. Not a fan of the others. Axel Raine just sounds awesome.

    Awh - thanks hon! I appreciate it!  What about Axel Rose?  KIDDING! :)  That is my only concern about Axel... that people associate it with Axel Rose... but will kiddos even really know who Axel Rose is with the generational gap? 

  • NMS either. I like Joseph. I went to school with a Leif. People called him shrub, tree, etc. He didn't let him bug him and eventually people left him alone. Out of all of those I think that's the one I'd prefer, though I'm not sure it really flows with Joseph.
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  • You're asking for opinions on the Internet, where people are hiding safely behind computers. They're going to tell you exactly what they think, and some of those thoughts are snarky. Take it with a grain of salt, but don't totally rule out opinions because someone was rude. I gaurantee the playground can be a much crueler place than the message board, and a snarky poster might just be showing you what you're setting your child up for with a certain name.

    Frankly, I'm not feeling any of the names you listed. I think I could live with Leif or Callum, but the, NMS.

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  • imagealliejo725:

    You're asking for opinions on the Internet, where people are hiding safely behind computers. They're going to tell you exactly what they think, and some of those thoughts are snarky. Take it with a grain of salt, but don't totally rule out opinions because someone was rude. I gaurantee the playground can be a much crueler place than the message board, and a snarky poster might just be showing you what you're setting your child up for with a certain name.

    Frankly, I'm not feeling any of the names you listed. I think I could live with Leif or Callum, but the, NMS.

    Appreciate your honesty.  Do you have any other name suggestions?  I want a unique name, but not something too crazy... Thanks! :) 

  • You have to take the criticism with a grain of salt.  If you look at what the critics named their children, it's probably not your style or nothing you would ever choose.  So, it just goes to show that you have a difference of opinion.

    With that being said, I like Axel & Leif best.  Raine can also be given to a girl, so that's out.  As for Callum, it's not bad.  Torsten I've never heard of (but that doesn't make it a bad name).

    Good luck.

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  • imageShawMich:

    You have to take the criticism with a grain of salt.  If you look at what the critics named their children, it's probably not your style or nothing you would ever choose.  So, it just goes to show that you have a difference of opinion.

    With that being said, I like Axel & Leif best.  Raine can also be given to a girl, so that's out.  As for Callum, it's not bad.  Torsten I've never heard of (but that doesn't make it a bad name).

    Good luck.

    Thank you! :)  ...looks like people are leaning more towards Axel and Leif... 

  • imagebritafrica:

    This is going to come off as harsher than I intend, but the reason that people give you honest feedback is because you asked for it. If you don't want to hear honesty, posting on an anonymous message board isn't the way to go for you. People give you exactly what they think because it's better that you hear it now than your child be teased later.

    Oh, I get it... haha!  But it just feels personal when people get rude.  


    P.S. catahoulas are awesome dogs. :) 

    I agree, it's not cool when it turns personal at all. And thanks! She's my first baby Big Smile



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  • imageCatahoulaMom:

    This is going to come off as harsher than I intend, but the reason that people give you honest feedback is because you asked for it. If you don't want to hear honesty, posting on an anonymous message board isn't the way to go for you. People give you exactly what they think because it's better that you hear it now than your child be teased later.

    ETA:  I like Leif out of the choices given

    This. I just posted a name that had 30 post of people hating it. You know what - that's why I asked. I'd rather find out now than when my child hates me for giving him/her a name everyone makes fun of.

    If you ask, people will tell you. If don't want opinions, don't ask.

  • From your list I like Callum.   Joseph is a great middle name.

    Raine to me is a female name.   I think of Lady Raine, Princess Diana's stepmother.   I realize there is a male actor Raine, however my first association will be that of a female.   I do like it for a girl. 


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  • imagebritafrica:

    I just asked my local board about baby boy names... obviously people were not fans of them, so they posted unnecessary comments about how they didn't like them for this or that reason.  

    Why do people get amped up about telling you how they don't like a name?  

    Obviously, I like them, otherwise I wouldn't be thinking about them.  So I will try here... please only post if you have sincere, helpful comments.  

    I would love other suggestions as well too please!  

    Thank you for taking the time to read through my name list.

    Middle name will be Joseph, my father's name.  Our last name is Peterson...

    Raine, Callum, Torsten, Leif, Axel (a family name) 

    I like Leif quite a bit. It's an interesting name that I perceive to be strong. It sounds good with your other names too, especially since it's one-syllable and the others are two and three. The others... well, I am note sure if I understand what kind of feedback you are looking for, but these others are nms so I don't have any positive feedback.

  • I think it's helpful to know the reason why someone does not like a name. I'd much prefer hearing an argument against a name I was considering to a broad "not my style" which tells me nothing. For example, if someone said they disliked a name because they knew someone with that name that they had an issue with, I would blow off their "dislike" comment. In the same vein, if someone mentioned that they disliked a name because of a legitimate reason I had not thought of, I would find it extremely helpful. Just my two cents.

    As for your names, I'll honor your wish of only positive comments,

    I like Leif the best of the five.

    I think Axel would be a great, strong middle name. 

    Other suggestions: Angus, Felix, Magnus, Rocco, Stellan, Finn, Lars, Linus, Jude, Milo, Olin, Beck, Rowan, Elias, Kirk, Neil, Kyle, Flynn

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  • I went to school with a girl named Raina so I think Raine sounds really feminine.  I've never heard of Torsten before and it just sound off to me.  Makes me think of torsed.  I think Leif is kind of nice as long as it's pronounced Layf, not Leaf.  I like that Axel is a family name and it's okay but just personally I've never been a huge fan of names that sound uber masculine.  I think Callum is great.  Callum Joseph sounds really good together too.
    Dee Dee DS Elijah Xin 3/11/05 DD Evangeline Mei 8/24/06
  • I know it's hard not to take it personally because they are names you like, but consider the source, this is an online message board nobody knows eachother so they are going to be "brutally" honest. I got my feelings reallllllly hurt a couple times, but then I just realized that it is what it is.

    I have to ask her you Scandinavian? I love Leif and Axel and they are both of that decent (I'm Norwegian) the others are NMS

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  • NannaNanna member
    Callum Joseph is my hands-down favorite from your list.  Axel screams "we're trying REALLY hard to be cool!", Raine is really feminine to my ear, Leif is okay but I think you're really setting your kid up for a lot of teasing, and Torsten just looks and sounds unappealing to me.  Go with Callum (nn Cal is awesome too).
  • Huh?  Who got "amped up?"  You asked for opinions, you got opinions.

    What happened to the rest of your list?  Sig, Peregrine, Moss? 

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  • I like Callum.

  • Are you Norwegian by chance? I think Axl (no e) and Leif might be Norwegian names (I have them in my long Norskie family history) and Thorsten sounds a lot like Thorson which is a Norwegian surname. Just curious, anyway. I think Leif is OK as is Axel. Callum is OK. I would stay away from Raine. 


    And really the reason people give you opinions is because you asked for them.  

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  • imagebritafrica:
    So I will try here... please only post if you have sincere, helpful comments. 

    I guarantee all the feedback you got was sincere. As far as helpful, don't you want to know that one of your potential names makes people think of cigarettes? Seems helpful to me.

    andplusalso, I'm pretty sure this board wouldn't take being called "boooooring" very kindly either.

    I don't understand why someone who clearly has a little sass stick up her can't take it back and has to complain to another board. Funny, 'cause you really struck me as someone who should have been able to handle it.

    Dear Bump: You suck.
  • imagerssnlvr:

    andplusalso, I'm pretty sure this board wouldn't take being called "boooooring" very kindly either.

    Exactly.  Most Bumpies are aware that you don't come onto a board for the first time and insult the regulars.  Just FYI for next time.

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  • imagemlf625:

    Huh?  Who got "amped up?"  You asked for opinions, you got opinions.

    What happened to the rest of your list?  Sig, Peregrine, Moss? 

    I'll assume she took the advice of the Austin board and removed Sig (which is a legit, albeit unusual, name as are Peregrine and Moss). While her childish "boooooring" comment was slightly rude, the knee-jerk, jump-down-her-throat response from some posters in that thread was overkill.

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  • I love Joseph for a mn!  The first names you have listed are NMS, but I like Leif the best and think Leif Joseph sounds nice.
  • imagebritafrica:

    I just asked my local board about baby boy names... obviously people were not fans of them, so they posted unnecessary comments about how they didn't like them for this or that reason.  

    If you are new to a board, you usually introduce yourself...not just come on a board asking for opinions, then get mad when people don't like your names, then complain about them on another board.  I would into yourself if you plan on calling the board "your local board".
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I know what you mean about people preferring to tell you which names they don't like.  And even if you do ask for their opinions, some people are just so damn picky and seem to find any reason to not like a name.

    Anyway I like Raine, Callum, Axel, Torsten then Leif

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  • From your list I like Leif best, but don't like it paired with Joseph because they have the same ending sound.  So I'd vote for Axel Joseph.
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  • I vote for Callum or Axel.  Raine is a girl's name IMO, so I'd avoid that.
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