Babies on the Brain

Nutella Confession

I just let Brad eat it plain on a spoon. We loved it so much! His brother wouldn't even taste it. His loss, our gain. :)
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Re: Nutella Confession

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    You're a horrible mother.

    Next time at least serve it on a piece of apple! ;)

    I refuse to let the kids eat it because I want it ALL TO MYSELF!! 

    Mrs. 5/03*DD 2/07*DS1 5/09*DS2 7/12
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    You're a horrible mother.

    Next time at least serve it on a piece of apple! ;)

    I refuse to let the kids eat it because I want it ALL TO MYSELF!! 

    This.  My older DD is 5 and I have yet to share it with her.  She's a chocolate fiend and she'll eat all of MY nutella. 
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