
Braxton Hicks at 18 weeks??

Hi Ladies! I have a question, did your braxton hicks start earlier with your multiples? With my son it didn't happen until third tri and I have been feeling them for about a week now (including now). I'm just not sure if this is something I should be concerned about. I'm on modified bedrest for placenta previa and probably was on my feet too much today so I am back in bed and was going to call the doctor in the morning. Any experiences with what to expect (or if this is too early and I should call the doctor now) is greatly appreciated!

Re: Braxton Hicks at 18 weeks??

  • I should have mentioned I'm 18 weeks with mono/di girls. I don't post all that much so I'm sorry for leaving that out!
  • My Braxton Hicks started at 17w.  My doctor believes that these contributed to my shortening cervix, which started sometime between 22 and 24 weeks.  The fact that you are already on bed rest may prevent that, though.  Best wishes to you and your little ones!
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  • so far no BH for me, knock on wood. I'd talk to your dr and see if it means you need to go on full bed rest or do anything differently. GL!
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  • My BH started at 18 weeks with my son and i didnt have any problems. My doctor always said to call if i had more than 4 in an hour. This time with the twins (im 17 weeks now)...i only feel them if i need to have to go to the bathroom or i didnt drink enough water. Sometimes my position is the culprit too. I was sleeping on the couch and would feel them then..i moved back in the bed and now i dont have them. Im going to ask my doctor about them on tuesday. I say if your concerned it never hurts to call.
  • I never had BH with DD1, but they started pretty early with the twins.  I noticed that I had a lot more when my bladder was full.
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  • Mine started at 14 weeks and were pretty consistent but never changed my cervix.  If they're pretty regular it doesn't hurt to get checked out.
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  • I started getting them at 20w with DS1 and 12w with the twins (my OB didn't believe that I was having BH that early, trust me, I remembered those annoying PITB's clear as day).
  • I started getting them early, probably around 18 weeks.

    My doctor told me when I got them to drink a couple glasses of water, pee, and get my feet up if possible.  If I had more than 4 in an hour I was supposed to call her.

    When I did her sugggestions above I never had more than 4 in an hour.

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