do any of the bowls with suction cups actually stay put on the highchair tray?? My girls are constantly pulling them off and playing with them.....which is fun for them I guess...but just curious. any recommendations??
With Katie, I never really found one that worked or stayed suction. Toddlers are pretty strong. Ha!
I just let her play with it. It is fun and they are learning. Also, with them playing with the food with their hands, they are discovering different textures, etc. It's a sensory thing.
I haven't found any that work. For some reason, my girls do better with the Boone pates from Target. They claim that LOs can't pick them up, but my girls have always been able to. They don't throw them like they throw bowls and will actually use a spoon and scoop food off the plate. They, of course, end up dumping all the food from the plate onto the tray, but they are nice enough to hand me the empty plate instead of throwing it.
Re: toddler bowls
With Katie, I never really found one that worked or stayed suction. Toddlers are pretty strong. Ha!
I just let her play with it. It is fun and they are learning. Also, with them playing with the food with their hands, they are discovering different textures, etc. It's a sensory thing.
Katie: 1/16/08 2lbs. 15oz.
Abby & Emily: 12/31/10 6lbs. 2oz. & 5lbs. 7oz.