New here!

Hi everyone,

 I admit I have been wavering about having a repeat c-section or a VBAC until now, but I have finally really set my heart and mind on a VBAC.

 I was sectioned with DS because he was breech at 39 weeks 4 days. I never got to feel my water break or have a single contraction. I feel jipped of the whole going into labor and getting to call DH saying "it's time!". 

And of course with a toddler at home and now staircases (we were in a 1 story with DS) a VBAC recovery would be ideal.

My OB is supportive of my VBAC decision even though "if it were him he'd just do the c-section" *sigh*

I can't wait to hang out here and gain more confidence and encouragement!


Re: New here!

  • Hey you! :)

    Welcome to the board.  I'm a little worried about your doctor's statement that if it were him, he'd just do the c/s.  Have you asked him about his statistics on VBAC and c/s or what he thinks your odds are for having a VBAC?


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageiris427:

    Hey you! :)

    Welcome to the board.  I'm a little worried about your doctor's statement that if it were him, he'd just do the c/s.  Have you asked him about his statistics on VBAC and c/s or what he thinks your odds are for having a VBAC?

    I was just reading that wonderful info you gave to someone below about mortality rates and told DH I was printing that out to bring to my OB!

    My OB said 30% of his patients were successful in their VBACs, and something like 60% tried and failed? And of course the 1% catastrophe that had me scared until I read your article below

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  • imageMrsVictoriaB:

    Hey you! :)

    Welcome to the board.  I'm a little worried about your doctor's statement that if it were him, he'd just do the c/s.  Have you asked him about his statistics on VBAC and c/s or what he thinks your odds are for having a VBAC?

    I was just reading that wonderful info you gave to someone below about mortality rates and told DH I was printing that out to bring to my OB!

    My OB said 30% of his patients were successful in their VBACs, and something like 60% tried and failed? And of course the 1% catastrophe that had me scared until I read your article below

    butting in...

    Eek! That's a terrible record. Really awful. I wouldn't be comfortable with a provider w/ less than about 60% success. Especially combined with his comment... is it too late to switch providers?

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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imagehonkytonk_kid:

    Hey you! :)

    Welcome to the board.  I'm a little worried about your doctor's statement that if it were him, he'd just do the c/s.  Have you asked him about his statistics on VBAC and c/s or what he thinks your odds are for having a VBAC?

    I was just reading that wonderful info you gave to someone below about mortality rates and told DH I was printing that out to bring to my OB!

    My OB said 30% of his patients were successful in their VBACs, and something like 60% tried and failed? And of course the 1% catastrophe that had me scared until I read your article below

    butting in...

    Eek! That's a terrible record. Really awful. I wouldn't be comfortable with a provider w/ less than about 60% success. Especially combined with his comment... is it too late to switch providers?

     well the good thing is he is part of a huge practice of something like 14 OBS and one of them is always there. So the odds of him delivering is 1 in 14 and the practice as a whole is pro VBAC. I'm going to have a long talk with him at my next appointment though, see how supportive he is really going to be. Before I was wavering and he saw that, but now I'm set so that may change things. He is actually wonderful otherwise

  • Join your local ICAN group (usually a yahoo groupSmile) And visit ican-online.org Very wonderful website with lots of info on risks, providers, etc. I had an out of hospital  VBAC in 2009 and the experience inspired me to become a doula and CBE. I am planning another in Nov of this year!!Party!!!
    Mama to two and... BabyFruit Ticker
  • Go Magic!  What practice are you going to?  I'm in the Central FL area and want to try VBAC for my next child (not pg yet, but will probably start to TTC at the end of this year or the beginning of next year.)

    ETA:  My baby was also breech, I did, however go into labor (my water broke two days before my scheduled section, also at 39w 4d.)  I had never had any contractions up to that point (no Braxton-Hicks or pre-labor or anything) but they started coming after my water broke (about 7 min or so apart.)  Within an hour or so of getting to the hospital they were right on top of each other.  They had to give me terbutaline (sp?) to slow down my labor.  So I feel like if he had been in the right position, I would have been able to deliver normally, and I dare say pretty quickly?  I think there is no reason that you or I shouldn't be able to do VBAC. 

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  • imageMrsVictoriaB:

    My OB said 30% of his patients were successful in their VBACs, and something like 60% tried and failed?

    Well, if 30% were successful, then 70% were not. If you know one number, you don't have to guess at the other since there are only two possible outcomes.

    Those odds, frankly, suck. Do you know what it's like for the practice as a whole? I know you called them "pro VBAC" but you also said your OB was supportive, despite really awful stats and commentary. I would be worried that "pro VBAC" is just lip service. Do you know if they have 'requirements' for VBAC patients? Some OBs insist on earlier cut-off dates, continuous fetal monitoring, etc. to the point where it's more like "we don't ban VBACs, if you happen to fall in this tiny group of people we consider most ideal" rather than "pro VBAC."

  • My gut feeling on this is that this practice is NOT VBAC supportive. I have interviewed 3 providers and am seeing a fourth later this month. The answers he gave you aren't encouraging. Also, I would prefer a small practice due to the greater likelihood of getting the doc who saw me during the pregnancy and understands my wishes and is on the same page, not just luck of the draw. Would a birth center midwife or hospital based midwife be an option for you? I am heavily leaning toward VBAC at a birth center with a certified nurse midwife right now. GL and welcome to the board!
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  • Overall VBAC success rate is between 60-80%. Moms with breech babies have among the highest rates of success. So if you find a doc or midwife that is truly supportive and doesn't just pay lip service, you have very good odds.
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  • Hi Victoria! This is my other board I hang out at. I'm more of a lurker since I'm not pregnant, but the stories and support are amazing.  Good luck getting ready for little J's arrival. 
    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm going to have to agree with the other ladies on here, unfortunately.  This does not sound like the best practice for a VBAC mom.  A lot of OBs say they will allow VBACs and then suddenly change their tune at the end of your pregnancy, when it's too late (or just feels too late) to change providers.  We see it all the time on here and I would hate to see that happen to you.

    A 30% VBAC rate is very poor.  I would be looking for at least a 60% rate and I think that is even on the low side for an average success rate.  My OB has a 90% rate and another practice I met with had all of their VBACs last year deliver vaginally (I believe they had 12 VBACs).  With 14 doctors in the practice, you just have no way to know if they are all actually supportive of VBAC and if they have any skill in attending VBAC labors.  It's a crapshoot and that makes me very uncomfortable for a VBAC mom.  Combine that with your doctor's comment about how he would rather have a c/s, that worries me about whether you really will be given a fair shot at a vaginal delivery with this practice.

    I realize that VBAC options are limited in many areas though.  I'd look around to see if there are other practices that you could check out.  You can always have a meet and greet before you decide to formally switch or not.  



    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • imageiris427:

    Combine that with your doctor's comment about how he would rather have a c/s, that worries me about whether you really will be given a fair shot at a vaginal delivery with this practice. 


    Yes, that troubled me.  I would venture to guess that any provider that says they'd "just go with another cesarean" hasn't had one!  (or, at least that is my opinion...and obviously in this case, with the OB being a man, it's a physical impossibility).  ;) 

    OP, I think with your first baby being breech and the success rate of VBAC overall, you have a really good chance.  Keep us posted on whether you decide to look around for a different practice!

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  • Hey, Victoria!  Good to see you here!

    I must agree with everyone else about your OB, though.  I think it's time to find a new one.  For my VBAC, I won't accept going to a doctor that isn't as excited and positive about my VBAC as I am.  I think, for me, having someone in the medical community that has faith in me and my body is a huge deal.  I would give into a c/s much more easily if there was someone who was doubting me or being wishy washy.

    And since your DS was breech, that means you have a great chance of VBACing.  

    You'll do great, and I think it would benefit you if you saw an OB or midwife who knew that too.

    Mama to Elliot (11.09.08) and Jude (09.01.11)
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  • Hey Girly!!  I lurk over here since I'm just starting to think about my vbac.  I just switched doctors (yes at only 8.5 weeks) because I wasn't happy with the care I had received.  And this was from a VBAC friendly doc.  Too clinical, not showing compassion when I brought up concerns.  It's your baby and you should be able to have the birth experience you want and deserve.  I hope that you are able to have some honest conversations with your doctor.  You are going to be great and we're all pulling for you!!
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