Secondary IF

if you have been through IVF already

Since my mind is racing in this 2ww (my very first 2ww)...I was wondering if you didn't get a bfp, how soon did your period come? did it come soon after you first beta test?  does the progesterone keep it from coming? also, if you got a bfn, were you allowed to start a new IVF cycle right away? 

i swear i am not thinking negative at actually feeling quite positive at this point, but i've been wondering the answers to these questions...

thanks so much....

did i mention this 2ww sucks?  i think im gonna test beta is thursday..

so many things going on with me right now...i am clearly overanalyzing EVERYTHING..i just want to go to sleep tonight and not wake up until tuesday...ha!

Jaime... Mommy to Alexa Shaye and Sofia Gabrielle imageMy Bio CafeMom Tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: if you have been through IVF already

  • Right there with you Jaime.  I am testing Monday but even tempted to test tomorrow (stupid I know).  I am all over the places being optimistic half of the time and pessimistic the other half.  Moody girl over here.  Hope the time flies and we both get the good news we are praying for.
  • Ugh...the 2ww does suck!!! I am going in for labs on Monday...I have been so good by not testing myself. 
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  • I can answer based on my experience. 

    My first FET was a BFN.  I tested early, cried, tried to convince myself that it was too early, and called to move up my beta.  My clinic tests at 18 dpo, so for me it was 12dp6dFET.  Torture.  My period did not start until several days after I stopped my progesterone.  I was allowed to start a new cycle immediately with BCP. 

    IVF #2 and #3 were cancelled and I was allowed to start IVF 3 immediately after IVF #2. 

    I will say that all the back to back cycling did a number on my state of mind.  Before this past cycle I took a 4 month break and I think it made a world of difference.   

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