We have decided on Claire, but are having a really hard time finding a middle name that we agree on. Since Claire is a pretty classic name, we wouldn't mind something a little more unique for a middle name. I know Elizabeth and Victoria get suggested a lot on this board, but we for sure won't use either of those. Our last name starts with a C, so we don't want a MN starting with a C. Here are some that we agree on so far. Let me know what you think. I'd appreciate any other suggestions too!
Claire Alison
Claire Elena
Claire Nicole
Claire Brianne
Claire Elyse/Elise
Claire Avery
Claire Sienna
Re: MN for Claire
Owen Anders: labor (natural onset), failed VBAC, emergency c/s.
From the list, I like Claire Elise.
Other suggestions:
Claire Louise
Claire Noelle
Claire Sophia
Claire Juliet
Claire Vivienne