Someone recommended them the other day. They are having a sale on pf 2nds right now, $12 for a dozen. They are so cheap I'm worried they won't work right. I got burned buying cheap diapers already. I need about 2 dozen more pfs.
What is your experience with them? Should I just buy a dozen of this kind and a dozen of another?
Right now I have 6 gerbers and 6 tiny tush. I haven't used the tt yet but what convinced me I love pfs where the gerbers. People complain about them sucking but the work well for us. Lol Does this mean my expectations are low so the 2nd will satisfy me?
BTW I'm officially selling my Sunbabies. The just don't work for us. I'll post on swapspot once I inspect them and post pics.
Re: Talk to me about Little Lion 2nds
I have definitely heard good things about Little Lions seconds. I bought mine used, so I don't know if they are second or not. I love them though.
If you like Gerber, you will love the LL seconds I'm sure.