So, before last night we were leaning towards Lucia as the baby's name but still discussing. MIL keeps asking me about it and I told her, not decided yet, still discussing. Anyway, she texts me last night and says "Have you heard of the name Cecilia?". Um, seriously? lol That's not like a crazy unheard of name or anything. I just texted back and said "Yes, we have, but we don't like it. Matthew doesn't like the name and I like the name but none of it's potential nicknames.". I then told her that etymology was one of my interests and I've probably considered any name she could think of. Think that puts an end to it? lol
Anyway, last night we did decide that she will definitely be Lucia. Still on the hunt for a middle name.....DH doesn't think any of my suggestions (Grace, Corinne, Bridget or Felicity) flow, so we're still deciding.
Re: Oh silly MIL
Good luck on middle names. Remember, once you get a couple of options nailed down, if it's a question of flow, clicky polls can be a great help.