
UTI caused contractions...

On Thursday I had my usual u/s appt/cervix check.  However, it didn't go as usual.  My cervix was down to 2.15 from 3.5 the week before.  As a result, they put me on the monitor for 20 minutes.  I had two contractions within that time.  They sent me to l&d to be monitored more.  After having a bunch of contractions, they finally gave me a urine test due to the amount of times I had to urinate.  The results were it was all caused by a UTI. I must have just got it too...since my urine is tested every other week at my regular OB appts.  They gave me two shots  and some pills to prevent the contractions.  I was sent home with no bedrest or anything.  I'm glad they found the cause, but scared about what the possible fact that my babies could have been in trouble due to a UTI! I never thought a UTI could cause this.


Re: UTI caused contractions...

  • How scary!!  I'm glad you are feeling better!
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  • Just be careful...that's exactly what put me in to pre-term labor. I had a UTI at 28 weeks and after 4 days in the hospital was sent home. I put myself on modified bed rest immediately (my doctor ordered strict bed rest a week later). I was on meds and made it to 32w5 days when I delivered. The night before I delivered, I was told that my UTI was still somewhat present.

    I never thought a UTI could do all of that either. My suggestion would be to take our meds and get tested again in a week or so. Make sure you completely get rid of the UTI. I'll never know if that's what caused me to deliver early, but it's definitely possible.
    GL to you!!

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  • Ugh. Hopefully things simmer down once the UTI is gone.  On the up side, your stats still look great!
    *Siggy warning - loss mentioned*
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  • I have an appt. next Thursday to follow up.  I have been taking the meds, but they also make me sick to my stomach at times.  I'm glad I'm not the only one though that never knew that a UTI could cause preterm labor.  They also commented that they might put me on bedrest in the hospital...since I have a five year old and almost 3 year old.  Hopefully, the meds work and clean the UTI up.

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