I had a c-section with LO#1 and am scheduled to have another for LO#2 in the Fall. My doctor is letting me pick when I want it (no earlier than 7 days prior to due date) so here's my question... My due date is Oct 4, which is a Tuesday and they don't plan them on weekends so I could do it the week prior or wait til Monday, Oct 3. I would like to wait as long as possible so baby is as big as he/she can be but do you think its not a great idea to wait that close to due date in case I go into labor? My first LO was one week late so if you're late the 1st time are you usually late again? TIA if anyone has any insight.
Re: Scheduling CSection for Lo #2?
I'd probably pick the friday before as well.
I had 3 scheduled c-sections. The first was at 39w5d and the 2nd and 3rd were at 39w3d. I could have scheduled all 3 on my due date - I don't think I would have gone into labor early.
2nd babies generally come earlier than 1st ones, but it's not always the case.
Personally, if your DH works a Monday-Friday job, I'd schedule it on a Friday which would make you 39w3d. It would be easier in scheduling his leave for when you have the baby and will give him a few extra days at home.
I planned mine for as early as I could to try and avoid labor, and my water broke at 38 weeks, so it still didn't work.
I'd do it as soon as you are allowed to. It is chaotic to plan for your first child when it happens spur of the moment.