Two Under 2

21 months apart??

Hi everyone, what's life like with babes that are 21 months apart??!! 


Thank you so much for your time!!

Re: 21 months apart??

  • Mine are 18 months apart... it's busy but fun. I guess it wasn't so bad since we are doing it again.
    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Just wondering how do you/did you handle bedtime with a newborn/young infant and your older one? 
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  • Mine are 23 months apart and I love it.  In the beginning at bedtime, we did a lot of dividing & conquering.  DH would take one and I would take the other.  Once #2 actually had an earlier bedtime, she goes first (bath, bottle, books, bed), then #1.  If DH isn't home, DS will typically watch a cartoon while I handle DD.  Occasionally he actually wants to take a bath with her....which is cute (but wet!).
  • Thank you so much!!  How was it in the beginning??  Only thing is in our house I have two stepsons who come over twice during the week so my husband is with them so a little worried about that aspect but I guess it'll work out!!!!  What are the best things about it?? (Do you think there's a big difference between 21 months and 23 months??  Does a lot change in those 2 months??) 
  • 16 months, 18 months, 19 months apart, etc. It only really matters in the first year or two. After that, it's pretty much all the same.


    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • imagedale5689:
    Just wondering how do you/did you handle bedtime with a newborn/young infant and your older one? 

    At the time I had 2, I had to do bedtime a lot. DH would travel. Bedtime is at the SAME time for all of my kids (even now). I would leave my oldest in the playroom playing while I got the baby settled and then take care of my oldest.

    It somehow works out and you figure out what works (or doesn't work) for your family. 

    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • The beginning can be a little crazy, but I think it would be crazy anytime you added another child to the mix.  The sleep deprivation will get you everytime!  But it really is great.  In the early days, the baby will sleep alot (hopefully) so you can smother your oldest with attention to help him adjust (in between frequent feedings!).  It truly will work itself out.  Every day, my 2 are interacting more and more...and I love watching it.  Last night, DS pulled DD's highchair so that it was touching his seat, and then they sat and made each other laugh throughout dinner.  What could be better?  :)  Oh, and another thing....DD plays with almost everything DS plays with....already!  Things I never would have given DS that early (a ball pit!), she has loved for months.  Good luck!
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