Two Under 2


Why is it when you are trying to get pregnant it is still a shock when you actually do....  see ticker Smile
DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

BabyFetus Ticker

Re: #3

  • Congrats! Good luck!

    Just looking at those tickers makes me want to get my Mirena checked - haha!!!

  • haha! Congrats! :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • NannaNanna member

    :::points to tickers:::

    I still can't believe it!


  • imageNanna:

    :::points to tickers:::

    I still can't believe it!



    Mine will be similar spacing!  I may even have 3u3 for a few days... omg what were we thinking, lol! 

    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • NannaNanna member
    Mine are 18  months and then (hopefully) 20 months apart.  People tell me so often we are brave.  I often wonder if we weren't just stupid.  Stick out tongue
  • imageNanna:
    Mine are 18  months and then (hopefully) 20 months apart.  People tell me so often we are brave.  I often wonder if we weren't just stupid.  Stick out tongue

    Mine are 18 months and then 18 months again.  I couldn't agree more with the last line! 

    DS- 11/08,  DD1 - 05/10,  DD2 - 11/11

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Congrats! And good luck! I found going from 2 to 3 was the hardest transition.
    image Mommy to Barbara 11/8/05, Elisabeth 5/13/07, Loukas 12/23/08 and Lazarus 09/25/12
  • congrats! : )
    Natalie 7.27.07/Lukas 5.29.09/Noah 3.4.11/Brooke 7.31.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Sometimes I still have to pinch myself!
  • Congrats!  Mine range from 19 months apart to 16 months apart, it's a busy life but I wouldn't have it any other way!  The two oldest are best friends right now, and DD1 loves to "mommy" DD2.
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