Two Under 2


I am 30 weeks along and my doctor explained that I would likely be induced again as my first son weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz. at birth and this one should be just as big or possibly bigger. It seemed to me that he was a bit premature to make that assumption, though. I felt as though his primary concern was his schedule rather than my child's health. I have no medical reason for an early induction (38 weeks) like high BP or diabetes. It seems that the trend in today's delivery rooms is to plan and schedule. In my opinion, if an OB is that concerned with working 9-5 (s)he is in the wrong profession. Have any of you ladies had a similar experience and what decisions have you made?

Re: Induction...really??

  • I think that you should ask for an ultrasound closer to delivery time for an estimated size of baby and go from there. Did you have a tough delivery with your first LO? I am not aware of a doctor making you go in for induction when it is not necessary, I think you are capable of making that call and could turn it down. Perhaps you might be better off with someone else delivering your child anyway.

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  • I agree it seems like a lot of drs. are focused on their own schedules nowadays. There are four drs. in my practice and I had such a fast labor with DD that none of them made it to the hospital in time and the OB on staff that night did my c-section. I think assuming your baby is going to be as large as your first this early in the game is a bit presumptuous and I'd avoid an induction at 38 weeks if I were you.
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  • You can say no. If you don't want to induce early, then don't. If you have a history of having a large baby, you most likely will have a baby of the same size, or possibly bigger. If you handled delivering a large baby well and are comfortable going to your due date or past, just let them know. They can't make you do anything you don't want to.

    You can ask for an ultrasound and make a decision based on that, but it isnt always right. WIth DS, I measured on time or behind. By ultrasound, he was supposed to be about 7lbs and he was 10lbs. With DD, I was measuring 3 weeks ahead for a good chunk of my pregnancy, they estimated her to be over 8.5lbs and she was under 8lbs. So the second one isnt always bigger, and ultrasounds are definitely not always right.

    Just go with your gut and what you feel comfortable with.  You call the shots, and you can certainly decide against what they say. Many women can deliver large babies with no complications. The only time I would say to heed your dr's warning is if you had a difficult delivery with your first.

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  • I would find a new doctor.

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  • As long as everything is going well (enough fluid, healthy mom/baby), I would decline.  Unfortunately, you are going to have to really educate yourself and can't really just go with whatever the doc says.  Is there anyone else at the practice who can deliver you?  Maybe you could request to start seeing them? 

    It would really concern me, but I'd be reluctant to change doctors.  I'd just keep insisting no induction until you give me a relevant medically necessary reason.

  • Check your baby, check your fluids....if everything is fine....say NO.

    Sorry you have to deal with this - and yes I would find a new OB after this if you seriously feel this is the case.

  • I was induced at 38 weeks with my son because of cholestasis.  He was only 7lb 6 oz, but he was almost too big for me to deliver.  Because of that, we've discussed and decided on an induction in week 39 if I don't have cholestasis again.  However, it's because Cole was almost stuck, almost needed the vacuum and tore me to shreds.  He had to be rotated and pulled while I pushed to get him through.  My doc told me after he was quite impressed, because he was pretty sure I was going to need an emergency c to get him out.  In other words, 8lbs is a normal baby, I don't have a chance in hell. 

    Just because your baby was big doesn't make it a reason to induce - did you have any issues delivering him?  Even so, without a medical reason, just the extra week of inside can do a lot for a baby who isn't ready to come out.   If you don't want one, then don't! 




  • I wouldn't induce unless medically necessary, and I'm not sure a 9 pounder is really a medically necessary reason...

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  • Today I meet with My Dr for the 12wk appt and we talked about the delivery of this child since my 1st one was 9lb 14oz. I had him completly natural and only pushed for 9 min.! Since there was no complications, my DR said this one maybe larger, but she is not worried since clearly I don't have issues having large babies...

    I would challenge your Dr. I agree with you.. Maybe you are also just made to have big babies :)

  • I did not think they were allowed to schedule an induction or c-section any earlier than 39 weeks without a medical reason.
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  • I don't believe the b/c you had one big baby you'll have another. DS1 was born at 40wk5d and was 9lbs 12oz. DS2 was born a week before at 39w3d and was only 7lbs4oz. There was no way even if I went to my edd or beyond that he was going to be any where near the size of DS1. I would definitely not be induced that early just b/c of the idea of a big baby and don't let your doctor talk you into it if you don't want it.

    Oh and the only reason DS2 came at 39w3d is that was the date I picked for my repeat c/s.

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  • I would tell him you'd rather wait until you go into labor on your own, if you're not comfortable with the idea of being induced. Birthing a 9 lb baby is not impossible, and second babies aren't always bigger. My DD2 weighed less than DD1.

    FWIW my OB doesn't do anything before 39 weeks without medical necessity. That seems to be the norm for OBs around here.



  • imageAutumnBride929:

    I would find a new doctor.

    Agreed. To me, there's nothing more important than trusting your doctor and knowing than his/her decisions are made with your best interest at heart, and will try to give you the delivery experience you want.

    This from a mom who ended up with an emergency c/s. I never questioned my doctor because I trusted him, and knowing it was the right decision helped me cope with that dramatic situation.

     we moved so we don't have the same doctor, and I changed doctors at 24 weeks because I wasn't comfortable with the first one I saw. 

  • I realize this is an older post, but hopefully you still get this message.  Your Dr is full of BS and you should find a new one.  If he/she was really concerned about the baby's weight, then they wouldn't induce since ACOG's regulation for large babies is c-section; not induction.  and yes, just bc your Dr recommends and even schedules you for an induction, it doesn't mean you actually have to go.  Good luck!


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