We are moving DD into a new room and will be decorating/painting based on it being a "big girl" room that she can grow into - new furniture, etc. Will DD wish she had a pink room come 3-4-5-6 years old or not even know the difference? I'd love to paint it a pale green or maybe even teal, but I would feel sad if she really wanted a pink room in a few years. Not that she should have whatever she wants, but her having a pink room is ultimately not really going to bother me anyway. Please advise! TIA!
Anna Kate 10.17.2009
Alexander 6.10.2011
Baby Girl 6.2014
Re: ? from a toddler girl mom
Thanks for the response!
We painted our DD's room aqua with brown and pink accents. Something that she could really grow into. The last few months she has been telling me that it is a boy color and she wants her room to be pink or purple. I just ignore it and tell her that her room is girly and she is fine. (she has been in her room almost a year now)
Growing up my room was green (paneling!), then my mom painted all the bedrooms blue when they remodeled the house. (I was 13-15 at tiem of remodel). I had always wanted a pink room- never got it, until I moved back home after my senoir year in HS (I lived elsewhere my Sr. year- basically I ran away, but that's another long story)
Anyway, my parents said I could paint my room any way I wanted it at that time (within reason) I asked for pink and I got my pink!
If I could get away with it with DH I would have a pink bedroom now even!
I would say- if she's asking for pink, then do pink. If she's not, and doesn't care about the color do whatever you want.
FWIW- my DDs room is purple with tinkerbell all over- because I liked it. When DD asked for something else- we'll redo.
We painted DD1's big girl room yellow for the same reason. For now we have pink and yellow bedding, but if/when she outgrows the pink, we can easily change the bedding without necessarily having to change the walls. So far she loves her room, and even though her new favorite color is green, she's never asked for a green room. OTOH, we have friends with a 6 y.o. daughter who's been asking for a red room since she was 3. I think the mom is about to cave now. lol.
If your DD doesn't have a strong preference now, I'd paint it what you want.