I am a first time mom & my 4 1/2 month old girls were moved from their shared bassinet in my room into separate cribs in their own room about three weeks ago. Since then they have been waking up at least every 2-3hrs in the night & will not go back to sleep without being BF. Any suggestions on how to help them sleep longer or possibly through the night?
Also I currently BF them until they fall asleep at night & then move them into their cribs. If they wake up while being moved into their room they freak out & cry like crazy. And I have tried putting them into the cribs drowsy & hope that they will learn to fall asleep on their own but again they freak out & cry like crazy. I have tried letting them cry it out... (which was the hardest thing ever... my poor husband had to deal with all three of us balling our eyes out) but it didn't work. One eventually cried herself to sleep after 45mins & the other took 2hrs!! They only slept for an hr & a half & when they woke they were even more ticked off then they were when they fell asleep. I have also tried soothing them to sleep & they still cry the whole time just not as hard & take just as long to fall asleep.
I have friends with singletons that are the same age that get placed in their cribs while still awake & their babies drift off quietly on their own. I don't know what to do & don't know how much longer I can go on no sleep.
Any suggestions???
Re: HELP!! Sleep Problems
At 4 months we had to separate ours into different rooms. I had NOT planned on doing this, but we had no choice...they were sleeping so crappily (is that a word?) because their noises (even just regular sleep snuffling noises) were waking each other up, and we were constantly hopping out of bed to try and quiet them before the other woke. Terrible.
Could this be the problem?