Eco-Friendly Family

When did you give LO honey?

I am scared to do it. My son is 11 and half months old. He has allergies and I want to wait until a year but when did you give it to your LO? 

Re: When did you give LO honey?

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    Not yet.  But just because we never really use it.
    47 months &
    11 months
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    I can't remember but it was after 1. I think botulism is a greater concern with honey and not allergies as much. I would just offer a little bit on bread and watch for any reactions.
    2007 BFP#1 MMC 12w; 2008 BFP#2 DS1; 2010 BFP#3 DS2; 2011 TTC; 2013 Pursuing DIA
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    Both Declan and Mady had some in bread (the bread at outback) before a year.

    Mady didn't have it plain until I started making granola when she was 18 months old or so.

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    I do not have kids yet, but in nursing school they teach that after 1 year is ok to give honey.
    photo maymommy2014.jpg
    BabyFruit Ticker

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