Cohen throws all of his crap out of his bed, too, and I don't think anything frustrates me more right now. He'll throw all of his blankets and his paci out and then he'll cry because he wants his paci. So I have to go in there 18 times and feel around to find the darn things in the dark and lay him back down.
and ecb - you could very well be right about the light in that room. we're renting right now and i'm trying my hardest to not buy stuff for this house ... but good naps are worth it.
Cohen throws all of his crap out of his bed, too, and I don't think anything frustrates me more right now. He'll throw all of his blankets and his paci out and then he'll cry because he wants his paci. So I have to go in there 18 times and feel around to find the darn things in the dark and lay him back down.
Crib tent. DD was climbing out and when she wasn't, she was tossing every blessed thing out of her crib. Including the 8 binkies she had in there.
Now, nothing can escape. I love that thing.
AKA KnittyB*tch DS - December 2006 DD - December 2008
Re: (LIP) video of ethan's new version of napping
Oh, he's so cute!
Cohen throws all of his crap out of his bed, too, and I don't think anything frustrates me more right now. He'll throw all of his blankets and his paci out and then he'll cry because he wants his paci. So I have to go in there 18 times and feel around to find the darn things in the dark and lay him back down.
Some kids go to 1 nap pretty early. It could be that.
Another suggestion - make the room darker.
We put up room darkening blinds to make it as dark as possible!
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
thanks, joseys!
and ecb - you could very well be right about the light in that room. we're renting right now and i'm trying my hardest to not buy stuff for this house ... but good naps are worth it.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
Crib tent. DD was climbing out and when she wasn't, she was tossing every blessed thing out of her crib. Including the 8 binkies she had in there.
Now, nothing can escape. I love that thing.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
Christmas 2011