Alabama Babies

Easter bunny

Does your LO cry when you take them to see the Easter Bunny?

How old were they when they started doing this?

What age did they stop?

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: Easter bunny

  • I'm glad you posted this because I haven't even thought of taking LO to go see the Easter Bunny. LO is only 7 months so maybe there will be no crying this year.
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  • M has never seen the Easter Bunny, but she adored Santa, so I hope it'll be the same.

    Where is there an Easter Bunny I can get her picture made with?  I know about the Easter Bunny Breakfast at the Zoo, but it's on Easter Morning.  We'll be in Church (not really sure who thought that one up...)

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  • imageameliaandmatt:

    M has never seen the Easter Bunny, but she adored Santa, so I hope it'll be the same.

    Where is there an Easter Bunny I can get her picture made with?  I know about the Easter Bunny Breakfast at the Zoo, but it's on Easter Morning.  We'll be in Church (not really sure who thought that one up...)

    I'm sure the mall has an Easter Bunny that you can go visit.  M didn't cry at Santa so I'm hoping he won't cry at the Easter bunny either.  He'll be 9 months old.  Does anyone else think Easter falls really late this year?  I was just looking at my calendar and it just seems to fall really late, especially since it was April 4 last year. 

  • imagekc0721:

    M has never seen the Easter Bunny, but she adored Santa, so I hope it'll be the same.

    Where is there an Easter Bunny I can get her picture made with?  I know about the Easter Bunny Breakfast at the Zoo, but it's on Easter Morning.  We'll be in Church (not really sure who thought that one up...)

    I'm sure the mall has an Easter Bunny that you can go visit.  M didn't cry at Santa so I'm hoping he won't cry at the Easter bunny either.  He'll be 9 months old.  Does anyone else think Easter falls really late this year?  I was just looking at my calendar and it just seems to fall really late, especially since it was April 4 last year. 

    I read somewhere that this is the latest Easter we've had in over 150 years.  I didn't realize it was so late which is part of why M's Easter outfit probably won't fit 2 months from now.

  • In Bham I go to Brookwood mall and I usually go the week of Easter in the afternoon. My LO saw Santa at 6 mo-fine, Bunny 9 mo-fine, Santa 14 mo-cry. I am thinking not so good this year for the bunny, but at least she will be dressed cute. :)

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • A has seen  Santa twice (2 months and 14 months) and the Easter Bunny once (5 months) and she didn't cry at any of them...I was quite shocked that she didn't cry with Santa this year.  I'm hoping for the same with the Easter Bunny, she'll be 18 months.  We go to the one in the mall here, and our church has an Easter egg hunt the weekend before Easter and they have the bunny there too, but it's not a sit in the lap event, like the mall. 
  • Does anyone know of a mall in Birmingham that has an Easter bunny?   I have never seen one...but I could have missed it or something.
    Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

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  • imageameliaandmatt:

     I know about the Easter Bunny Breakfast at the Zoo, but it's on Easter Morning.  We'll be in Church (not really sure who thought that one up...)

    According the zoo website it says the 23rd...which is the day before Easter.  It doesn't really list much information though.

    Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

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  • imageSeasideBride06:
    Does anyone know of a mall in Birmingham that has an Easter bunny?   I have never seen one...but I could have missed it or something.

    I went to Bookwood Village last year, they won't have a schedule of times until closer to Easter. I am sure the Galleria will have him too.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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