Cloth Diapering

How to prep used diapers?

I am purchasing some used diapers, and I have never washed a cloth diaper before (because this will be my first cloth diaper purchase).  What do I need to do when I get them?  Is it different for pockets and AIO's, if so, what do I need to do different?

Is this process the same process if I purchase new diapers as well?

Thank you ladies so much!

Edited:  Another question, what do I do if my washing machine doesn't allow for special washes, meaning you pick either cold, warm, or hot and that's the temp they do for the rinse and wash?  So how do I work out washing in our washer, I see a lot of people do a cold rinse with a hot wash, and another cold rinse, and ours does not do that!

**February 20th, 2010 I Married My Best Friend and June 5th, 2011 My Soulmate Was Born** image Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimageimage

Re: How to prep used diapers?

  • Used diapers are typically already prepped so all you would need to do is wash once and use.  Some women prefer to do a complete strip to make sure there isn't anything funky on them....but I've purchased all of my used diapers from reliable people/places and felt comfortable not doing this.  It's really up to you.

    If you get brand new diapers, depending on the the material, they made need a full prep.  Anything synthetic like PUL covers and microfiber just needs one wash before use.  Anything natural like cotton, bamboo or hemp will need to be washed seperately 3-4 times before you can wash with all your other diapers.  Once everything is all goes together....synthetic, organic, pockets, AIOs, fitteds, covers...doesn't matter.

    I don't set the temp on my rinse cylce.  A cold rinse is pretty standard for all washers, I'd be surprised if yours was actually warm or hot.  Have you ever checked?  If it really is how you say, then I would do a cold rinse first....then a hot wash/rinse....then an extra cold rinse.  You will have to set the washer 3 seperate times, but it's the only way I see around it.

     Good luck!

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  • I just washed my used diapers once on hot with my CD detergent.

    When they're actually dirty, you'll have to either figure out how to do a pre-rinse (easy on older machines, just advance the dial) or do a full short wash in cold without soap, then a real wash in hot with soap, and possibly another rinse wash afterward. Depends how things go.

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