So I am starting to suspect one of my neighbor might have a problem with alcohol. My mom babysat for my kids one beautiful Sunday afternoon. While she was here, my neighbor came over with her son to let him play. My mom ask me the other day, weeks after the fact if I thought she had a drinking problem because of her behavior that day. She has a tendency to drink and get loud and close talking rather quickly, like after a couple of drinks. She interrupts people constantly and can be very emphatic when she has been drinking. She is a kind, generous person when sober and annoying and goofy when drunk.
We had a party last night and she was the same way, annoying, loud, monopolizing the conversation, and generally goofy. Something I would expect if someone had been drinking all night, but not just from 7-8pm.
I don't know that there is anything to do if she is an alcoholic. Everyone around here drinks a good bit, so she is hardly alone in that, it just seems that she gets drunk really fast and continues to drink, when compared to the other rather heavy drinkers. It has gotten to the point where we don't invite her to things because of it.
I see her frequently, probably more than anyone besides her DH. Would you say something or ask how she is doing? Would you say something to her DH or ask him if he has noticed a change? Do nothing?
Re: Alcoholic?
It seems like heavy drinkers don't get drunk that quickly -- maybe she just has a very low tolerance? Unless she's just pounding the drinks. For a while after the kids were born I'd get goofy off a glass of wine. It was a bit embarassing.
I think she's just a sloppy drunk.
There has to be a dependency to be an alcoholic. Most alcoholics I've known, you would never even guess that they were drunk. They learn to hide it very well. Of course, that's not true for everyone. Just a generalization.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Well, she definitely has a problem with alcohol if it is affecting her behavior and negatively affecting her relationships.
That said, it's really not your issue so I wouldn't say anything to her or her husband.
This. That's not to say she doesn't have a problem with alcohol, but having a problem with alcohol isn't the same as being an alcoholic.
She could be on some kind of medication that interacts with alcohol. I don't know, I'd probably stay out of it unless you really think it's a safety issue.